Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thank you's!

Dear Theresa, Rob and Reece and Yvonne and the rest of the family!

Thank you so so very much for the lovely goodies recieved today for our project! They are stunning and you were so thoughtful to buy toothpaste for the little kiddies and even think of including lipice amongst all the other goodies - wow! I love the lip ice idea and would love to include some more in our toiletry bags ! Thank you for all your support and love and prayers!

Thank you to Norma, all the way in Kwazulu Natal for your wonderful contribution! What a lovely surprise to know that this has touched people all around the country! Thank you for being so willing to help us and so generous, thank you!

God Bless and lots of love

Samm & Deqlans scrub a dub dub army

1 comment:

Vickie said...

Will be thinking of you all over the weekend and hoping for perfect results on Monday.

