Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

last of catching up to do

what a wonderful day Monday was -we where discharged from Kloof hospital ! a lot of the staff we had made friends with during our stay were sad to see us go but asked us to come and visit and bring Deqlan back in a months time so that they could see his improvement after a few rounds of chemo

we came home and Deqlan was in his element to be to be able to crawl around in his room, laugh at the dog -see the nature ( our garden) - just to be back in his normal environment was wonderful - i t was amazing for me to to sleep in my own bed after two weeks in a bed or chair at the hospital! things started to feel a little normal again

tuesday morning dawned and we got on our way and got to Little Company of Mary hospital for the first round of chemo - Deqlan petrified to see Doctor De Jager and nurses trying to check his porto cath or take his temperature - he had enough during the last 2 weeks and really doesnt trust anybody he doesnt know - Dr De Jager is AMAZING - we really think he is wonderful and he really connects with Deqlan - you can see that he really cares about his patients and is so thorough in his explanations and check ups etc - we definitely have the right man for the job

He explained the chemo Deqlan would get during Monday and Tuesday - vincristine ( a plant extract) Etoposide for 4 hours ( once on Monday and once on Tuesday) and Carboplatin ( toxic to bone marrow) - main side effects are hair loss, bone marrow depletion and nausea - luckily they give something for the nausea

The paediatric oncolocy ward at LCM is wonderful - there are only 3 rooms, so very private - bright and cherry pictures and rooms really cheer us up and to have a room with a view , even if its was the parking lot, also lightened the room up - kloof hospital was four constant walls which eventually drive you to cabin fever! the staff are amazing and so wonderful and caring - again, i feel we are at the right place now - its so comforting to have a church on sight as well as the regular visits from the nuns to see how we are - they are amazing and praying for Deqlan constantly - we really had a vey comfie and pleasant stay

The chemo went through Deqlans port with no problems and little fuss -i can definitely agree having a port is much easier then having to insert a drip each time! fortunately, no side effects - Deqlan is his happy self - besides the 4 teeth currently pushing through at the moment - the poor little guy screams in pain - can you believe ow strong he is to go through all of this at the same time and still smile and laugh!

Deqlan is Dads boy at the moment - whenever he sees Mark he insists on getting into his arms - shame i love watching the two of them together- they love each other so very very much

We where so glad to leave LCM this morning as we knew we were coming home and this time for over a week ! we need to go back for the second round 2 -4 july - so glad we have a bit of normal time at home together - being at home now is a real treat for me

deqlans eye has gotten a lot darker and more swollen after the last few days- a conditom the doc calls racoon eye = he says it shouldnt get any worse as te chemo will stop the cells growing ans should now start shrinking and disapearing- we should see an improvement in about 1 month - it looks very sore - but doesnt seem to worry him at all

Thank you to you all for the amazing amount of love,support and prayers weecieve each day -plse continue to pray for our beautiful deqlan

all our love


Unknown said...


eks so bly dit gan goed met julle... ek dink so baie an die paar dae wat ons saam gehad het, en ek bid elke dag vi julle almal... ek was vandag in saal P, megan moes n nuwe mic key kry.. ek het geloer of julle by die deur gaan inloop en vir my 'n smile en n vriendlike woord gaan he... ;) ek wens julle alle sterkte toe en weet net ons is hier vir julle as julle sou wou praat.. ons bid saam julle.... geniet di huis... geniet mekaar...


Elriza Paul said...

Hey Sam & Mark,

So glad to hear you guys can spend some "down-time" with the little gangsta! Enjoy every minute of it!!!!

Wes & Elriza

Anonymous said...

Good morning dear Samm,
I have just read your update, was getting nervous that nothing had been published, so was very pleased to see an update this morning. YOU SAMM, ARE THE MOST AMAZING WOMAN I HAVE EVER MET IN MY LIFE !! You remain positive, enthusiastic and trusting - no matter what. I admire you greatly. We are all praying constantly for all of you. I AM SO VERY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT LITTLE DEQLAN HANDLED THE CHEMO - HE IS A SHINING LITTLE STAR.
Enjoy your time at home as a family.
Lots and lots and lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Samm, Mark and Deqlan

So happy to hear the good news and that things are going well with little Deqlan. Hope you all can get some well deserved rest. Enjoy your time at home with each other.

Lots of love

Anonymous said...

Dear Mark and Samm
So pleased to hear that Deqlan took the treatment so well. I was getting very anxious with no news on the net. It gives me strength and faith for the day to read your reports every morning. Your strength and faith just pours out from your reports and gives me more insight into the wonderful work Our Lord does. May little Deqlan grow stronger from day to day and continue to be the bright star in your life. Will definitely come to see him when next in Pretoria.
God Bless you all.
The Paul, Cape Town

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, Samm & Deqlan,

Praise The Lord for the work he is doing in little Deqlan and giving you guys such amazing strength.

So glad to hear the chemo went well and that you are just about back to your normal routine.

Still praying for you all BIGTIME!

Have fun with your precious little one.

With Love,


Anonymous said...

hi guys,

just read the update, I am so happy that things are going well, thank God.
Enjoy your family time together at home and get some rest.
We will keep praying.

Jelenka, Neil & Gianna

Anonymous said...

Dearest Samm and Family,

I was absolutely stunned this morning on receiving your reply and the news of Deqlan's illness. I have so enjoyed receiving update photographs of Deqlan from you - as he has the most delightful little face ever! This was the last thing I expected when seeing his name on the prayer list and am really in awe of the courage you have shown through all of this! It is clear to see that you both have amazing, supportive families who together with God's grace are carrying you through this time of trial and onto the green pastures that He promises, where your souls will be restored again.

I was so encouraged to read on the info of Neuroblastoma that it is often successfully treated. Through my tears, I breathed a huge sigh of relief, and just said - thank you LORD that you will heal your precious child Deqlan! Who knows Samm why you and Mark and Deqlan have had this come across your path, but I know that you will grow in amazing ways and that our Lord has great plans for your lives and that you will all be a living testimony for Him. I trust that you have had a wonderful time together at home and that Deqlan is super strong for his next round of chemo. I pray that you God will continue to strengthen and carry you all through Deqlan's recovery and healing process and I know that he will come through this healthy and happy because of the incredible love of his parents and your families. May you be blessed in so many ways and know that you are held in prayer and love by all who know you! I will ask friends in the church and elsewhere, that I know will add Deqlan to their prayer list.

Much love,
Dave, Karen & boys (Fisher)

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