Dee, you are also Grandpa to Damian . Chenya, Daren and Jared all in Canada, and i am sure they will also agree that you are also the best Grandad ever!
For two gorgeous boys, right here, you are Grandad to, Deqlan and Keaton have so much love for you - you really are such an important part in their lives and they smile in anticipation when arrriving at your house each day, knowing they are going to get big smiles and songs and laughter and high fives! Dee, what you have done to help me with Deqlan is priceless and treasure. Deqlan would not be making the amazing progress he is without your help , that is for sure, and Mark and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you do for us! We love you Dee, We love you Grandpa!
Fathers day Wishes to you Oupa Chris, in Durban- thank you for being a great Dad to Mark, Kevin and Sandi and for being a great Oupa to Deqlan and Logan - we hope you had a lovely day and we hope to see you soon!
Mark is also blessed to still have his Oupa, Oupa, we sending you lots of love and best wishes for a lovely day, we hope you are happy and healthy and doing very well and we hope to see you soon to!
Happy Fathers Day to you Grandpa Quintin, also Dad to Tyler, Keving and Mark - we also trust you had a great day and were spoilt! Thank you for taking such good care of Logan and all the effort and time you put into making her weekeends and holidays so very special! Have a wonderful day
To my Godfather , Uncle Ken, wishing you a wonderful day and safe travels back to Austria tonight. We have always shared a special connection and I shall always treasure that!
To all the Dads, Dads to be, Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers - Happy Fathers day! Thank you for being the roots and pillars of strength in our families.
I know that the angels are also wishing their Daddys a wonderful Fathers day and now they are they ones in Heaven watching over their fathers..
To the most important Dad of all, Our Father , who art in heaven. Father God, you are the ultimate role model, example, nurturer, healer, provider, our lighthouse, our shepard, the way , the truth and the light! We love, worship and adore you and thank you for letting us come to you any time of the day or night to listen to our hearts, to guide us, to answer our prayers, to direct us, there is no other like You. Happy Fathers day Our Heavenly Father, we love you.
Fathers have an awesome task
To show what love is made of
So when their children look at them
They’ll see the heart of God
And grow to want to know God more
To walk in all His ways
To learn from their Father’s wisdom
And be taught how to pray.
Fathers have a special role
In each young child’s life
To mould and shape them to become
A follower of Christ
To show them the
Father’s heart
And help them understand
How God’s love can be their guide
As they take Him by the hand.
God bless, lots of love
Mark Samm Deqlan and Logan
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