To our wonderful Grandpa and Great Grandpa,
A very very Happy 79th Birthday to you for today Grandpa , and many many more!
We hope you have a very special day and that you can feel our love and admiration for you.
You truly are the roots of our family tree, and we couldnt be prouder to call you Dad, Grandpa and Great Grandpa
I was thrilled to hear Mom just get off the phone with you, announcing the wonderful news that Nan is coming home tomorow!!! I know that this is the biggest gift you could ever recieve, and we are so excited for you and cant wait to see Nan and you together, in your own house! It is only going to do the world of good for you both!
Another gift, i think you and I will treasure always, happened at the breakfast table this morning. For the first time ever, Deqlan approached you, Great Grandpa, putting his little hand on your lap, asking to sit on your lap and watch all the excitment of blowing out candles and opening presents. I will never ever forget the smile Deqlan gave you this morning, or the high five he so proudly showed you or the look on your face , watching the progress Deqlan has made
Thank you for all the love and care and above all support and prayers you give to all of us, especially for Deqlan - you have never ever doubted for 1 second that Deqlan wouldnt be A ok - and you still continue to be so positive about Deqlan coming through the window, and that Dear Grandpa, is happening in front of your eyes!
Another gift Meggie and I can give you , is that we are going to be confirmed , in our Catholic church sometime in the near future - i know that you have wanted this for so long, and Grandpa we are so proud to be able to do this for you!!
The gift that Bev and Derek will give you this year is that of their time and patience and help with Nan - they have already done so much to get everything ready for Nans arrival home tommorow - arranging nursing care, painting the room, getting a hospital bed for Nan, even down, to the beautiful duvets, Nan is going to sleep so comfortable in.
We love you very very much Grandpa and we are so very proud of you! Have the best birthday ever and may Our Lord continue to watch over you, guide you , protect you and ease the pain you feel in your hip each day. I want to thank you for being a big part of leading us back to church and for showing us the true meaning of faith and hope and trust and love in Our Lord - for that , i will be forever grateful and thank you to you Grandpa. You are one of the most important parts of Deqlans prayer army, we always say, you have a direct line up to God!!
We love you Grandpa,
Mark Samm Deqlan Logan
Bev & Derek
Conrad, Meggie and Keaton
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