The stunning tree skirt Aunty Shea made for our tree, thank you so much, we love it , its so special and we will treasure it always
Here we are , two nights before Deqlan starts his very first day of preschool
The feelings are mixed, but definitely leaning more towards those of excitment, and thankfulness then worred or anxious
I have been running around trying to get everything ready for the big day. We are creating a file, thanks to Liezl, our home programme therapist - its all about Deqlan which will hopefully be lots of help to Ash and all the other staff at Little Leaps - as well as something Deqlan will enjoy looking through - when i am finished with it i look very forward to sharing some photos with you.
Its difficult to try and put everything onto paper or tell amazing Ash everything there is to know about our precious boy. Its going to be frustrating as Deqlan cant always verbalise what he wants or what is worrying him. The teachers are not going to know the things that they should try and protect him from, like other children touching HIS things, or turning the pages of HIS books and magazines.But these are things that we can tell them, but have to be experienced to come up with a solution at school. These situations are the ones i worry about it and pray about and hope will not send Deqlan into a meltdown - but i know Little Leaps is fantasic , Ash is fantastic and above all, Our Lord lead us there , so I trust everything is going to be ok.
We have to allow Deqlan some time to settle in and get used to his new routine, and i have to allow myself to get used to it to. We have been together for the last 3 years and 4 months, nearly every moment of every day, so i know i am going to miss hearing Deqlan laughing in the morning watching Mickey Mouse and asking me for more milk. But , its only half day, so i plan to try and do as much of my work as i possibly can in the mornings while Deqlan is at school, so i can dedicate my afternoons completely to my precious school going boy.
I am on my knees in thanks , as this is another answered prayer from God - he prayed and prayed that i get to see Deqlan go to school, and here you go, WE ARE GOING TO WITNESS DEQLAN WALKING INTO SCHOOL AND ATTENDING HIS VERY FIRST DAY OF THE NEXT 4 YEARS AS LITTLE LEAPS. We couldnt be prouder of Deqlan and how far he has come. Thank YOU Lord for answering our prayers, for leading us in the right direction and for continuing to heal our beautiful boy in every way.
I also want to say thank you to my Mom and Deqlans Nanna, for being the most important aid in this massive leap to school. Mom, if it wasnt for you, Deqlan would not be as prepared as he is, he wouldnt understand how to build different puzzles, decipher diffferent colurs, blow out candles, colour in, tolerate different textures, build the most beautiful towers. We cant thank you enough for all the love and time and effort you have put into helping Deqlan reach his full potential , you are amazing and we love you so very very much. I know the tears you are going to shed on Wednesday or tears of joy and pride.
Deqlan has been chatting up a storm, especially the last few days. As Nanna describes it, he is connecting the dots, he is generalising, he in understanding so much more . One of the things i am preparing, is a list of all the words Deqlan can say - we are at 194!!!!!!!!!!! Without the addition of the new words over the weekend, without the alphabet and counting to 20!!! How exciting ! We are so thrilled!!!
Some examples of Deqlan connecting the dots:
- Mark mentioned he was going to eat something, Deqlan then said "KFC"! We had to laugh!
- When Goofy is trying to draw Mickeys face , on mickey mouse clubhouse, he cant hold the pencil steady and Deqlan says ' CAREFUL'
- When Mickey is drawing his face, 1 big circle, 2 small for the ears, he says 'CIRCLE'
- When he see's Kung Fu Panda - in the shops or in a book he will say ' MNET' cause thats what they currently advertising
- Instead of pulling us around by the hand, he will bring his bottle to us and say 'MILK' He will take us and tell us what DVD he wants to watch ' BIRDY' for 3rd and bird "MICKEY' for his beloved Mickey, ' THOMA' for Thomas and "EMY" for the Thomas DVD with Emily in it
- He can describe what he is doing , like when playing in the sand, "SAND" ' SWIMMING' 'SLEEPING'
- He continues to amaze us with his love and understanding for logos - Mark had a CAT shirt on, but to Deqlan the letters were similar to CNA the stationery shop, 'CNA'
- Looking at toilet paper, Deqlan will say 'BUM!'
- today when visiting with Shaz and the boys at cornish Kettle, a playground and tea garden, there was hop scotch blocks numbered 1 - 10 - he moved from one block to the next proudly announcing the number he was on. Backwards, sideways, anyways, he could tell us. Nanna has worked on this excercise for many months and finally he has got it!
The most wonderful thing is that Deqlan doesnt just echo our words - he initiates them, he describes things, he tells us what he wants, but he waits for us to acknowledge what he is saying and will carry on saying the same word till we look at him and repeat it.
Deqlan is pointing so beautifully! With his little finger, he will count out blocks in a magazine and wait patiently for us to clap hands and then say 'HOORAY' or WELL DONE.
Our beautiful little chatter box we are so blessed - from 2 words 1 year ago, to nearly 200 and a host of things he has accomplished in such a short period of time. WE ARE BEYOND BLESSED!
Please say prayers for our little guy to love school, to enjoy it, to make friends, to learn, to be happy and safe there. Please pray for Mark and I and Nanna and Grandpa and Meggie and Keaton as we watch Deqlan go into his classroom, and kiss him goodbye and put him in the very capable hands of Ash and her team.
We pray for all our little friends that will also be going to school for the very first time and all those returning to school , but it be a great year in every way!
Have a great evening everyone, hope you are well, and Aunty Shea, hope you back safely and had a great holiday! Kristen, congratulations on your Christening on Saturday, you looked gorgeous!
God Bless, all our love
Mark Samm Deqlan Logan
My precious and darling Deqlan,
Mamma has paid me such a beautiful tribute of thanks for which I must thank her. It humbles me beyond words and I pray I am always worthy of her great love, respect and devotion.
If indeed I have achieved all that has been suggested, all the praise belongs not to ME, but solely to our Heavenly Father. His hand upon mine, His wisdom to guide me and His promises to give us all hope and a glorious future, filled with trust and faith in Him, has been the source of my abilities and actions,through every thought, word and deed.
However, the other great, absolute truth of the matter is that it is I WHO HAS BEEN TUTORED BY YOU ! I have learnt so many valuable and priceless lessons from you as we sat side by side during our very special hours spent together. These lessons have made me a better person, have made me want to strive to be the best I can be, to try fulfill my potential and have made me want to do God's will in all things, and grow even closer to Him.
It has been such an honour and privilege for me to act as your "prep tutor" last year. All the treasured moments, the laughter, the joys, the delights, discoveries, the extraordinary progress you have made are cherished gems of memory which I have engraved into my heart and onto my mind.
I am so very, very proud of you my precious Deqlan that you have, through your own efforts, volition and will, and YOUR HARD WORK, achieved so many milestones, and in record time !! This translates into the beautiful truth that you will start pre=school officially tomorrow.
During our table sessions, the pure joy was mine in witnessing you conquer, on a daily basis, all the "challenges" which I presented to you. Though at times, (rare though they were) the going was rough and tough for both of us, the end results have been magnificent. I cannot fully describe in words the joy, pride and delight I experienced each and every time we did activities, such as puzzles, built towers, played with play-dough and shaving foam, coloured-in with crayons, painted with paints,drew with crayons on paper and bricks, and threaded the reals, "put with blue, put with green" games, blew out candles, blew up balloons or fished with magnets.
With your brilliance revealed and your many talents and abilities concretized in a strong foundation, characterized by and built with faith, hope, love and trust in the Lord, you are today in a prime position to proudly and deservedly, take your place in the classroom tomorrow morning.
I know you are going to be teacher Ashley's STAR pupil. My prayer is that our Great God, His Healing Saviour Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as "our partners" in your education, protect you, light, guard, rule and guide you and that the teachers can be used as instruments of God in the teaching task with which they have been presented. May you go from strength to strength, every day. Victory is YOURS my precious Deqlan.
All my love,
To my darling Samm and Mark, our most loving congratulations to you both on this joyous and proud moment in the "Circle of Life". Your unconditional love, devotion, sacrifice, passion and dedication have played the PRIMARY role and been the most ENORMOUS contributors in ensuring Deqlan is ready for preschool. I salute you both; may you bathe in the glory of your achievements, witness the fruits of your labour, patience and dedication when Deqlan takes his little seat at "Little Leaps" tomorrow. Deqlan will take GIANT LEAPS at Little Leaps.
All my love,
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