My amazing sister and best friend, and soon to be neice or nephew!
I had the most wonderful birthday yesterday! It was truly unforgetable
It actually started on Sunday when my mom and Dee made a beautiful roast lunch for us all, which was really stunning, got to see Uncle Ken and Aunty Jen and Jeran, Conrad, Megs and Keaton and the best gift was having Nan and Grandpa there - Grandpa just out of hospital but he managed to stay the afternoon, not moaning of any pain, not even once, he looks fantastic. We all know now that the day ended in a trip to get Deqlans 4th set of stitches for the year, but thankfully, those are healing great to. Thank you Mom and Dee for the divine lunch and all the effort you went to to make it so special for me and Nan
On Monday morning, i awoke to a beautifully decorated table in the lounge, with happy birthday signs and flower ribbons, gifts and cards and the most beautiful custom made cupcakes i have ever seen. More beautiful then that was Mark and Deqlans smiling faces as i walked into the lounge, wishing me Happy Birthday! What a lovely start and needless to say i was spoilt rotten with lovely clothes and shoes and a voucher for a massage and indian head massage, looking forward to that - thank you so much My Love and Deqlan for making the start to my day so very very special and for taking such good care of me, i love you both so very very much
Next, we went to Mass - Mom had arranged for the mass to be dedicated to Nan and me! It was so special, so beautiful, a priceless act of love. And what was the gospel about - FAITH!!! How amazing! Mark was also able to join us - and Deqlan had a great time running around the church , he was thrilled to be there , smiling and laughing- i think he just knew where he was and how special it was to be there - thank you Darling Mom for arranging this unforgetable dedication to me and Nan, i will treasure it always. To have Mark, Deqlan, Mom, Meggie and Keaton with me was another gift of blessings!
Then, Mark had to go to work, and Nanna and Meggie took us to the Cornish Kettle so we could have a lovely breakfast and the boys could play - they had a great time feeding the ducks and birds and Deqlan was so excited he was even trying to pick them up! I was again spoilt rotten with a gorgeous top and sunglasses from Megs Conrad and Keaton - you guys know me so well. thank you so much for spoiling me rotten, i LOVE them! My Mom and Dee got me the most stunning frame i have ever seen with our famous verse, FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, with Deqlans picture right in the middle - have you ever seen something so beautiful! Also a stunning mouse pad with my favorite photo of me and Deqlan, vouchers and money to spoil myself with! Thank you so so much Darling Mom and Dee for my stunning presents, but you know what , you give me presents everyday in all the love and joy and care and devotion and help you give me each day with my family, especially Deqlan , and that is all i need! You do give me the world in so many ways!
The sun started coming out! Hooray - normally my birthday involves rain every year, but this time, the entire day was sunny and it only rained later in the evening
Deqlan and Keaton then had a lovely sleep and we went to Nan & Grandpa for the afternoon to wish her a Happy Birthday to. We got Nan a portable cd player and she was in her element singing to all the songs on the cds - she knew every single song, every single word - it was a gift in itself to watch Nan having such a lovely time and so at peace with the world!Thank you Nan and Grandpa for spoiling me , i promise to get something that reminds me of you both! I love you both so very very much.
But a gift that you cant put a value to , was Grandpa showing me how he can walk, without his walking stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The hernia must have caused the incredible hip pain that he has been experiencing and since the operation he is able to walk a few steps without it - how amazing, what a miracle!!! Thank You Lord!
The evening was spent enjoying some lovely prawn curry and sea food take aways my amazing husband arranged for us and just being with my boys, ended my day in the perfect way
Thank you to you all for your stunning messages and calls and emails and text messages - i feel incredibly loved and blessed to have so many people who care for me and love me so much, thank you so very very much!
Deqlans new words for the past few days:
tjoe tjoe- this one is amazing - this morning he was pushing his train, making the sound of tjoe tjoe! this is a MASSIVE deal as children on the autism spectrum battle with imagination - and here you go, Deqlan just started pushing his trains making the correct sound for them!!!
cake - after looking at the divine cupcakes Mark had specially made, Deqlan loved saying cake, and he says it so posh to
net - we think this actually means mnet, a tv channel here in South Africa
tatoe - potatoe, and my oh my does he love his potatoes! we may mini roast potatoes, definite favorite at the moment
milk - as clear as day- clearer then ever before - he will open the cupboard, take the ricemilk box out hand it to me and say ' milk'
subaru - of course, there had to be a car word in this weeks dictionary!
sore - he clips the pen onto his lip, comes to me and says 'sore'
today - singing with 3rd and bird, one of the songs end in 'today' - i wish you could have seen the look on marks face as Deqlan hummed to the song,and then finished it off with a huge big loud 'TODAY!!!!"
chip - must be from Macdonalds - he loovvesss fries/chips!
cold - as in the temperature today! freezing actually!
carrot -wish you would eat them by boy!
play- he just took Nanna by the hand now and said 'play'
When we are somewhere whether its at the shop or at Nanna or at Mungolnasitx, when Deqlan is ready to go, he takes our hand and says bye bye
So as you can imagine, we are overjoyed, thrilled, grateful and in awe at the amazing giant leaps Deqlan has again taken in the last few days - we are on our knees in thanks to God for the progress Deqlan is making, every single day. Cant wait for Liezl to see, cant wait for Ash to see..they are going to be as proud of Deqlan as we are! WOW!!!
Before i forget:
The Christmas Drive we are currently running for the CHOC Christmas parties this year, continues to have such a fantastic response, and we thank you all so so so much for your never ending support, we couldnt help the kids without you!
ANGELIQUE - thanks so very much to you and your sister for the massive box of coldrinks, chips and sweets you sent yesterday - wow, i was blown away and cant wait to see the kids faces when they start digging into to all their sweets!
HEIDI - Thanks so much Heidi, to you and James, Hannah and Michael, for always, always helping in our projects. Thanks for coming all the way through to us to drop the gift off, i know your little guy is going to be thrilled with his gift, thank you!
GAYNOR- Thank you Gaynor and Tyler, Uncle Vernon and Aunty Debbie for the 200 bottles of water for the party! Playing is lots of hard work, and the water sure is going to come in handy! Thank you for being so generous and giving and for helping make the party the great success its going to be!
KATH - i know i am going to be seeing you later this morning, but i just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for always always helping us no matter what - you continue to open your heart and help in anyway you can, and Kath, i can promise you Our Lord is going to rain His blessings down on you as you continue to bless and help others!
LETITIA- also going to see you later today , and wanted to say thanks so so much Letitia, for continuing to be on our team of helpers , thank you so much for your gift of love for a child who is going to have such a special Christmas, all because of you , thank you so much!
Well, everybody, let me end off this post by asking you to get your green and camo kit out for tommorow, as Deqlan goes for his ultrasound at 8am and then blood and urine collection afterwards. We ask you to stand firm in faith with us, agreeing on those results, that the scan shows absolutely nothing, that all remains normal and clear. That the blood and urine collection goes as easy as possible for Deqlan and that the results we get in 2 weeks time or perfectly normal and always will be, keeping our Deqlan NED forever, thank you for all your love and support and prayers, they mean the world to us
Have a great day everybody, sending you all our love and thanks
Mark Samm Deqlan Logan
Happy B'day Samm!! Love seeing your photos and glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration!!! Deqlan looks so grown up now and you must be so proud of him! We sure hope Deqlan passes his quarterly check up as always!!! Stay healthy and NED forever!
Love across the miles,
Adrian, Jenn & Derek
I enjoyed seeing the birthday pics, they are so wonderful! I am glad you had a good birthday-you deserve it my friend. The new words Deqlan is saying are so precious...I love the Subaru especially :-) Keeping you close in prayer!
Good sharee
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