Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Dearest Hayli & Yves & Company,
Words cannot express our utter amazement today when we saw what had been delivered to Meggies house for the CHOC food packs!
Words cannot also express our sincere and loving thankfulness for your kind generosity and for putting so much love and effort into your collection.
Thank you for all the the many bottles of oil, tons of tin food,lots of peanut butter jars, soups,sugar, rice, maize meail and the many , many other items we havent even discovered in the boxes! Thank you to for all the boxes to pack the goodies into!
Rest assured that the people who recieve these parcels are going to have the most Blessed Christmas ever.
God Bless you all
Words cannot express our utter amazement today when we saw what had been delivered to Meggies house for the CHOC food packs!
Words cannot also express our sincere and loving thankfulness for your kind generosity and for putting so much love and effort into your collection.
Thank you for all the the many bottles of oil, tons of tin food,lots of peanut butter jars, soups,sugar, rice, maize meail and the many , many other items we havent even discovered in the boxes! Thank you to for all the boxes to pack the goodies into!
Rest assured that the people who recieve these parcels are going to have the most Blessed Christmas ever.
God Bless you all
Countdown to scan day has begun!

Hello All
I know we always say we had a lovely weekend, but we continue to be Blessed with them!
I got the oppurtunity to see Logan, my 5 year old step daughter for those of you who havent had the pleasure of meeting her yet! I havent seen her in over 5 months, since Deqlan was diagnosed! Doc De Jager gave me the all clear to see her for a bit on Saturday morning as long as she wasnt sick and as long as i didnt kiss her or we didnt breath on each other. She was in her element to start they day off with my mom - its like fairyland here at Nannas house! I then met her here so that she wasnt in the car where Deqlan sits ( just in case).We caught up a bit and i couldnt believe how big she has gotten, she has grown so tall and has become even prettier then i remember! And what a rugby fan she is ..Samm what team does Habana play for ? She knows most of the players names, more then i do! Grandpa, Nanna and I then took Logs shopping and met Meggie to also say hello! Meggie told Logs she could choose one toy and you know what she chose - a rugby ball ! not a doll or cute girls stuff - a rugby ball! She was very chuffed and even more chuffed when we went to the petrol station to blow it up for her. We also went for a quick bite to eat at Woolies and there where twins sitting next to us, they must have been around 6 months old.I remarked and said , AW they are beautiful. Logan immediately said,Deqlan is also beautiful Samm, my heart melted. Logan has the most beautiful , gentle soul and loves her brother so so much. She asked when she could come and sleep by us again and we had to give her a very rough explanation of whats been going on, she said she understood and gave one of her new toys for Deqlan to play with when he came to Nannas house again. I love her so much and miss her terribly, cant wait for her to come and stay again and for her and Deqlan to get up to mischief together!
Logs was then luck enough to go with Granny Rene and Grandpa Quinton to the Zoo for Granny Renes work Christmas party ! I believe she had the time of her life and saw lots and lots of animals - Logs absolutely adores animals of all kinds so im sure she was so happy!
Then On Sunday she got to see her bestest friend Caleigh so she really had a fantastic weekend!
Have posted some photos so you can see how big she has gotten, cant believe she will be going to grade 1 next year!
Deqlan had a great time to playing with Dada and helped me do a bit of cleaning up on Sunday! Deqlan does not enjoy sleeping at the moment and decided he only needed 1 nap on Sunday - he then proceeded to stay awake from 1330 to 2200 on Sunday evening! I dont know how he did it and we tried several times to get him to sleep but he was not interested. We thought he would sleep very soundly on Sunday night but he tossed and turned and woke up at 6am ! So none of us got much sleep Sunday night. He just seems to not be tired and fighting sleep , going to definitely try to get him to sleep earlier in the evenings he definitely needs more sleep , well at least i think so, then he is getting!
We watched the dvd of Our Wedding and Meggie and Conrads Wedding yesterday. Deqlan sat in his high chair in awe as he watched Dada and I say I do! Meggie took ome pics so you can see how intrigued he was. My, how long ago that seems, its been just over 2 years now and seems much much longer. What Blessings we have recieved the last two years in the form of our beautiful boy Deqlan!
I need to make mention that October is Breast Cancer awareness month and I know personally of friends who have gone through this trying and terrorfying time in their lives. Please visit the Breast Cancer Awareness Site to learn more and to know what symptoms to look out for.
Thank you for your prayers our friends Charli and Keira both got great news, there scans are unchanged so thats wonderful news, thank you Healing Father! We continue to pray for you girls and continue to admire your strength and courage!
Thank you to for praying for Ruan, i just heard that he is being discharged today - please pray for him to be healed , he has ALL a form of leukimia - what a gorgeous boy and what a stunning family , they are really so close to our hearts.
Please continue with your prayers for Kate - she will also be going for scans tommorow to follow up after her sugery and hopefully to remove her line to! We know you going to get great news to!
Wow - as i said to one of my friends earlier, my tummy feels like a washing machine when i think about tommorow - i am quite anxious and excited and impatient and all of these things together at the moment. I keep saying BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD - SACRED HEART OF JESUS I PLACE MY TRUST IN THEE ALL FOR THEE OH LORD OH MY JESUS ALL FOR THEE. I just have to continue to trust in Our Healing Lord that we are going to get great results that show Deqlan has responded amazingly to his treatment and that we are on the road to total and permanent recovery and to be NED - NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE. We should get the scans back tommorow - the Doctor will decide tomorow on a MRI or Ct scan - this will let us look into Deqlans body to see what the main tumor has done, hows its reacted and to make sure there is nothing else we need to be concerned about. Next week scans will show if there is any cancer activity left in any areas of our soldiers body - PLEASE, PLEASE, PRAY VERY HARD WITH US THAT BOTH OF THE SCANS GIVE US THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS AND THAT THEY ALL POINT TO DEQLAN BEING NED. PLEASE PRAY THAT DEQLAN HAS A SMOOTH TIME TOMMOROW AND THAT HE IS NOT SCARED AND THAT HE HAS A LOVELY SLEEP WHILE THE SCANS ARE BEING DONE. PLEASE PRAY FOR MARK AND I - THAT WE HAVE THE LORDS HAND OVER US, AS WE ALWAYS DO, THAT WE FEEL AT PEACE AND ARE COMFORTED BY THE AMAZING WORK HE HAS DONE IN DEQLAN. PLEAE PRAY FOR OUR ENTIRE FAMILY FOR CONTINUED AND RENEWED FAITH, STRENGTH, COURAGE. PLEASE DEAR LORD LET DEQLAN BE ON THE ROAD TO TOTAL AND PERMANENTLY HEALING. IN YOUR HOLY AND HEALING NAME DEAR LORD, AMEN
Shall post tomorow as soon as im able to with any results we recieve - Please remember to wear cam or green tomorow in support of our soldier and send pics or messages letting us know what you wore for him!
I cant thank you enough for your continued support, love, prayers and for being there for Mark and I at every moment of this journey, we love you all very very much
God Bless, till tommorow then
All our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Friday, October 26, 2007
Victory day photos

Cuddling with Mamma!
Happy Birthday to Granny Rene today! We hope you have a lovely Birthday , have a great & very Blessed day, even though is so freezing cold and a wonderful year ahead!
We had to post some of the photos we took yesterday as Deqlan has his last round.
Deqlan fell in love with a husky dog teddy bear at Dr De Jagers rooms. Nanna happened to see one very similar and actually bigger, and I ran out to go and get him today. We named him Victory for Deqlan completing his 11 rounds of chemo and for doing so well! As you can see from the photos Deqlan LOVES Victory and carries him around the house by the ear - Victory is getting a lot of smiles out of our soldier!
Also posted some pics of our dear friend Ruan, from last week before he got so sick - he needs to get another blood transfusion and is still battling with his fever - please continue to pray very hard for his recovery
Have a lovely weekend and God Bless
Lots of Love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I dressed Deqlan in camo this morning as i do for most of his treatments, as a sign that he had finished this war today. I will ask you all to wear camo or green in support of Deqlan on our upcoming scan days 31 Oct, 7 & 8 Nov so this disease knows we mean business and Deqlan has a huge army behind, next to and in front of him, Our Lord.
All went great this morning- Deqlans counts are fantastic his HB 11.4 and his platelets 405 thousand so Doc very happy with these. His neutrophils and white blood cell count also great.
Deqlan again didnt even make a peep when the needle went into his port , although he did not like us holding his hand down and away from pulling the needle out. Doc De Jager did a thorough check and was very happy with Deqlan. We did however discover some thrush in Deqlans throat. This is a side effect of the chemo, and my goodness, if this is the only side effect we have gotten , and if we have only gotten it now - wow, thank you Dear Lord, we can handle thrush ! We have got some drops that we are going to be putting into his throat for the next few days that should clear the infection. He doesnt seem to mind us putting in his mouth and it doesnt seem to taste so bad , so think we will be able to sort this out in no time!
Today,25 oct marks exactly 5 months ago that Deqlan was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma - so its fitting that today was the last day of treatment - i cant believe looking back, deqlan has had 11 rounds of chemo, 1 blood transfusion,countless scans and blood tests and 3 operations during the duration of 5 months. Wow, we have come a long way - we thank Our Lord for being with us every step of they way and for all of you our dear family and friends for all your love, support and prayers and for being part of the army that has killed this Neuroblastoma, please Dear Healing Father.
What a wonderful feeling it is to know that the planned 11 rounds are now down and over with and we pray and hope and have Faith that they have done their job and killed every last damn cancer cell, that they have screamed as they have melted away into the nothings they are!
We saw our dear friends Yolandie & Ruan at Dr De Jager today - they where not scheduled to be there, but little Ruan was very very sick - terrible temperatures of over 39 degrees, he looked so yellow, and pap , not the little energetic boy we love and know . Yolandie has just let m know that he is need of platelets and blood and that he has a viral infection. Please pray very very hard for her and for Ruan to make a quick recovery.
Please pray for our friends in the US Charli Ann and Keira as they go for their check up scans tommorow - please pray that they continue to show great progress and that they are healing beautifully and shall remain NED Forever!
We also need to ask you for more prayers for our CHOC rep - as we mentioned previously, she lost a son to cancer, her daughter was diagnosed about 2 months ago with nephroblastoma.She has just found her , that she has Cancer of the womb - please , please , please pray very hard for this lovely family, they need all our prayers.
My dearest friend Nix, a HUGE and hearfelt thank you to you and Darryl, for bringing so many goodies today for our CHOC packs - for the pack of toothpaste, pack of peanut butter , pack of bovril, pack of coffee - thank you so much my dear friend for helping our cause - you dont know how much this means and how far this will go in helping our cancer friends and their families, thank you so very much.
Thank you once again to you all, our army - we love and treasure you all and thank you for your continued support - for picking us up with your prayers and for all your love
God Bless and lots of love
Mark , Samm & our brave Soldier Deqlan
I dressed Deqlan in camo this morning as i do for most of his treatments, as a sign that he had finished this war today. I will ask you all to wear camo or green in support of Deqlan on our upcoming scan days 31 Oct, 7 & 8 Nov so this disease knows we mean business and Deqlan has a huge army behind, next to and in front of him, Our Lord.
All went great this morning- Deqlans counts are fantastic his HB 11.4 and his platelets 405 thousand so Doc very happy with these. His neutrophils and white blood cell count also great.
Deqlan again didnt even make a peep when the needle went into his port , although he did not like us holding his hand down and away from pulling the needle out. Doc De Jager did a thorough check and was very happy with Deqlan. We did however discover some thrush in Deqlans throat. This is a side effect of the chemo, and my goodness, if this is the only side effect we have gotten , and if we have only gotten it now - wow, thank you Dear Lord, we can handle thrush ! We have got some drops that we are going to be putting into his throat for the next few days that should clear the infection. He doesnt seem to mind us putting in his mouth and it doesnt seem to taste so bad , so think we will be able to sort this out in no time!
Today,25 oct marks exactly 5 months ago that Deqlan was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma - so its fitting that today was the last day of treatment - i cant believe looking back, deqlan has had 11 rounds of chemo, 1 blood transfusion,countless scans and blood tests and 3 operations during the duration of 5 months. Wow, we have come a long way - we thank Our Lord for being with us every step of they way and for all of you our dear family and friends for all your love, support and prayers and for being part of the army that has killed this Neuroblastoma, please Dear Healing Father.
What a wonderful feeling it is to know that the planned 11 rounds are now down and over with and we pray and hope and have Faith that they have done their job and killed every last damn cancer cell, that they have screamed as they have melted away into the nothings they are!
We saw our dear friends Yolandie & Ruan at Dr De Jager today - they where not scheduled to be there, but little Ruan was very very sick - terrible temperatures of over 39 degrees, he looked so yellow, and pap , not the little energetic boy we love and know . Yolandie has just let m know that he is need of platelets and blood and that he has a viral infection. Please pray very very hard for her and for Ruan to make a quick recovery.
Please pray for our friends in the US Charli Ann and Keira as they go for their check up scans tommorow - please pray that they continue to show great progress and that they are healing beautifully and shall remain NED Forever!
We also need to ask you for more prayers for our CHOC rep - as we mentioned previously, she lost a son to cancer, her daughter was diagnosed about 2 months ago with nephroblastoma.She has just found her , that she has Cancer of the womb - please , please , please pray very hard for this lovely family, they need all our prayers.
My dearest friend Nix, a HUGE and hearfelt thank you to you and Darryl, for bringing so many goodies today for our CHOC packs - for the pack of toothpaste, pack of peanut butter , pack of bovril, pack of coffee - thank you so much my dear friend for helping our cause - you dont know how much this means and how far this will go in helping our cancer friends and their families, thank you so very much.
Thank you once again to you all, our army - we love and treasure you all and thank you for your continued support - for picking us up with your prayers and for all your love
God Bless and lots of love
Mark , Samm & our brave Soldier Deqlan
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Update on Kate
What fantastic news we recieved late last night from Karen, Kates mom:
OUR PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED! OUR PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED! The cells are mature and there is a 95% chance they will do no harm. With neuroblastoma, there are never any guarantees and the word remission isn't used. However, Kate is now officially off treatment!!! Our next step is to get her baseline CT scan completed and get her central line removed. More details on that tonight...for now, just celebrate with me! We are at the end of the treatment tunnel and I can't wait to officially step in to the light. THANK GOD! THANK ALL OF YOU! KATE IS HEALED!
Ryan, Kates brother got to throw 'kates tumor' in the trash!
Congrats to all of you, what a miracle, thank Our Healing and Wonderful Lord. Kate , you are an inspiration to us and I cant wait to scream the same words for Deqlan. A huge hug to you gorgeous Kate!
We have had a great day here, we even took Deqlan for a ride in the car to the shops and Nanna and I took turns going in to get what we needed. Deqlan thoroughly enjoyed this and had lots of giggles and laughs with Nanna in the back seat. How special that moment was - Deqlans laugh is music to our ears - there is nothing more beautiful or priceless.
We are counting the hours down to our next session tommorow and please Dear Healing Lord, our last EVER. Shall post as soon as we are back to let you know how well our soldier did!
Megs went for her 6 month check up today and we are probably looking at 8 or 11 Feb for baby to arrive - we cant believe she is already in her last trimester - she looks more beautiful and radiant each day! We cant wait to meet Keaton, we already love him so much and I know Deqlan and Keaton are going to be the best of friends, even if they do get up to alot of mischief together.
Till tommorow then, when i can type the words, round 11 is done, no more chemo, please Dear Lord EVER.
I recieved the most beautiful words from my dear friend Claire:
“The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you...”
Lord we believe, Lord we recieve, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, LORD WE BELIEVE!
God Bless, sleep tight
All our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
OUR PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED! OUR PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED! The cells are mature and there is a 95% chance they will do no harm. With neuroblastoma, there are never any guarantees and the word remission isn't used. However, Kate is now officially off treatment!!! Our next step is to get her baseline CT scan completed and get her central line removed. More details on that tonight...for now, just celebrate with me! We are at the end of the treatment tunnel and I can't wait to officially step in to the light. THANK GOD! THANK ALL OF YOU! KATE IS HEALED!
Ryan, Kates brother got to throw 'kates tumor' in the trash!
Congrats to all of you, what a miracle, thank Our Healing and Wonderful Lord. Kate , you are an inspiration to us and I cant wait to scream the same words for Deqlan. A huge hug to you gorgeous Kate!
We have had a great day here, we even took Deqlan for a ride in the car to the shops and Nanna and I took turns going in to get what we needed. Deqlan thoroughly enjoyed this and had lots of giggles and laughs with Nanna in the back seat. How special that moment was - Deqlans laugh is music to our ears - there is nothing more beautiful or priceless.
We are counting the hours down to our next session tommorow and please Dear Healing Lord, our last EVER. Shall post as soon as we are back to let you know how well our soldier did!
Megs went for her 6 month check up today and we are probably looking at 8 or 11 Feb for baby to arrive - we cant believe she is already in her last trimester - she looks more beautiful and radiant each day! We cant wait to meet Keaton, we already love him so much and I know Deqlan and Keaton are going to be the best of friends, even if they do get up to alot of mischief together.
Till tommorow then, when i can type the words, round 11 is done, no more chemo, please Dear Lord EVER.
I recieved the most beautiful words from my dear friend Claire:
“The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you...”
Lord we believe, Lord we recieve, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, LORD WE BELIEVE!
God Bless, sleep tight
All our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
More thank you's

Hello All
Our little soldiers appetite has been great the last few days and we slowly finding things he loves to eat! He loved some chicken and potatoes last night and loved some spagetthi and meat balls ( shoe laces and soccer balls, so sweet) from Woolies - he is definitely a Woolies baby, like Mama like son!
He now has 5, yes 5 teeth on the way, all at the same time! He is miserable at times but i think we over the worst as we can see them now, they out the gum and Deqlans eating better and not moaning as much.
Wanted to say thank you so very much to Yvonne De Waal, Theresa's Mom, for the stunning Christian DVD you bought for our soldier - we are very excited to watch it and we are sure Deqlan is going to love it very much - thank you for being so thoughtful and for continuing to keep Deqlan in your prayers.
Thank you to our dear friend Sam McCann, family & friends,,thank you so much for the unbelievable donation for our CHOC food packs - you have a huge heart and where so generous to donate the tea , toothpaste, tins of food, sugar, margarine, tomato sauce, peanut butter, coffee, syrup, handy andy, jik, washing powder, dishwashing liquid, soup, deodorant, cream & soap - what blew us away was the hand painted t shirts for the CHOC kids - wow Sam, thank you from the bottom of our hearts - there is nothing you wont help with - you always go out of your way , thank you so very very much, you are 1 special lady!
Kate and the Jacobs family still waiting on results which are they are hoping to recieved today please continue to pray for great results.
Have attached some photos of Deqlan and Great Grandads walking stick,enjoy!
Please continue to pray that this 11th round of chemo will do the trick should there be any other cancer cells around and that this will be his last round of chemo Deqlan will EVER NEED AGAIN.
Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in Thee, all for Thee Oh Lord, Oh My Jesus ALL FOR THEE
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ole' Ole' Ole' Ole'

Wow ! What a weekend! We are the Rubgy World Champions again hooray!
Deqlan and I joined Grandpa and Nanna, Meggy and Great Grandpa for a DELICOUS roast with all the trimmings,on Saturday night and then watched the game together
Deqlan 'stole' Great Grandpa's walking stick and went walking around the house for about 20 minutes, holding it very proudly in his hand. We were all on the floor with laughter, he looked so very very cute and the more we laughed the more Deqlan laughed! It was very special and im sure Great Grandpa will enjoy sharing his stick with his beautiful boy
We then watched the game together and where very proud to be South Africans!
Sunday was spent playing and cleaning and catching up on a bit of sleep! Deqan only went to sleep at 1130 on Saturday night! Mustve been all the excitement but was up by 630am ! We had a lovely day laughing and playing together and Deqlan was definitely Dada's boy yesterday. Deqlan also took a liking, make that a loving, to Oreo biscuits ( i know naughty Mama and Dada) Deqlan became the cookie monster and couldnt get enough!
Please pray for our dear friend Kate as she gets the results of the further testing done on her tumor last week. Please pray that they are fantastic and that Our Lord continues to heal Kate and guide and protect the whole Jacobs family
Please also pray for all our friends in the NB battle and all the others fighting Paediatric cancer - that they recieve their healing and that Our Lord gives them and their families strength and courage and renewed Faith each day!
Only 3 more sleeps and it will be Deqlans last chemo, ever please Dear Lord. The nerves are definitely kicking in as results are around the corner - i cant wait to type the words NED - NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE. Please Dear Lord continue to heal our beautiful soldier. BY JESUS STRIPES DEQLAN IS HEALED.
Have a lovely week, look after yourselves
God Bless & lots of love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Thursday, the 18th October 2007
me and my cousins baby mama!
standing all by myself!
the beautiful shoes meggy bought
our beautiful boy!
playing spinning games with my Nanna!
i love bath time!

The mission was beautiful - i am sad that i wont be able to attend the entire Mission but Mom and Meggy take notes and tell me all about it. Last night was about Faith and that you need to take that leap of Faith! You cant bargain with God and that Faith helps you accept the Will that God has for us. Also, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GOD, NOTHING. They then Blessed some bread and shared it among our parish to take home to our families and share with them - bread is the symbol of life. It was very special indeed.
Our Soldier has had a little bit of a rough day today - he didnt sleep great last night, tossing and turning and waking every two hours - i was deciding on whether it was his teeth or tummy waking him up. Today, I definitely know it was his teeth . I thought we had two teeth on the way, well there are definitely 4 today. The incisor at the bottom is really giving him a hard time , he doesnt want to eat ( he had some chocolate though, always room for chocolate) and is being more difficult then normal. Shame, I hope they arrive soon so that they stop worrying Deqlan so much.
Meggy has only 3 months to go before she has a beautiful boy of her own in her arms - they go for another check up next week - but i must say Meggy is looking more beautiful then ever. I actually had a dream about what her little one would look like so it will be very interesting to see what he does look like when he arrives in Feb! Megs has supported another worthy cause today. Children join a wilderness camp each year and they desperately need closed shoes in order to protect their feet and still enjoy this amazing experience. Meggy is going to give 3 gorgeous kids a brand new pair of shoes. Megs you never cease to amaze me, you have a huge heart and you always always help others in need. I salute you and I am so proud to call you my sister.
We are also trying a whole lot of new and 'exciting' ( maybe to us) food to give Deqlan some variety - well, he definitely doesnt like paw paw , or corn on the cob,but is loving bread crusts with marmite or bovril on. We tried some lovely steamed fish and gem squash for lunch, but not interested, but i think its cause of the teeth. Also tried some strawberries, and again no luck - ill continue to persevere and know that he will eventually at least try some of these new things!
We collected MORE contributions for our CHOC food packs last night. From Our Dear Friend Barbs and her friend Sonia - wow - thank you so so so very much for the wonderful and amazing contribution of rice, soap, milk powder, syrup, maize meal, macaroni, toothpaste, jik, deodorant, dishwashing liquid, sugar, rooibos, handy andy , tomato sauce, peanut butter, sta soft, coffee, jam, washing powder and bovril. I sincerely and humbly thank you both for being so unbelievably generous and giving. The family that is going to benefit from this says thank you and so do I, you are wonderful people.
The countdown has begun, this time next week , 25 OCT our LAST ROUND OF CHEMO ( please Dear Lord EVER) will be over and the test and scans begin, please continue to pray for our beautiful soldier to be totally and permanently healed.This day also marks exactly 5 months ago we heard the words, YOUR SON HAS NEUROBLASTOMA.
I must wish a VERY SPECIAL little princess Happy Birthday for tommorow! Gianna, Happy Happy 1st Birthday big girl! Hope you have a stunning day, enjoy your Marie party, wish we could be there with you, but know we are in spirit! Have a big piece of cake for Deqlan - he sends you lots of love and a huge hug and kiss! Stay the very special little girl you are and look after your Mommy and Daddy! They are such special friends of ours! Have a stunning time Gianna and Jelenka in Australia, fly safely, have a ball and cant wait to hear about it when you get back!
Happy Birthday to my dear friends Christelle and Tania, also for tommorow 19 Oct. Hope you both have a stunning Birthday full of everything your hearts desire. May Our Lord continue to protect and keep you both safely in his loving care. Have the best year ever ahead, thank you for being the amazing freinds and people you are! Lots of love to you both
Its a busy day , Happy Birthday to you to Sands for tommorow. Hope you have a great day and hope all your dreams turn into realities! Hope you are spoilt rotten and have a fabulous year ahead! Lots of love from all of us
Have a lovely weekend if we dont write again - go springboks - can you imagine the celebrations! ENJOY THE NEW PHOTOS OF OUR GORGEOUS SOLDIER
MARK 9;23
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wednesday, the 17th of October
Deqlan continues to be full of energy and beans, depsite another two teeth on the way ! Everything, and i mean everything is being put into our soldiers mouth, even his fingers have become teething rings! Deqlan loves walking, make that running around and grabs a hand whenever he can and steers us all over the show - his favourite places in Nannas house are where ever there are ceiling fans - from the one in the lounge , to the kitchen, down to the bedroom and up again! He has also discovered the computer in the study had buttons, with lights and he loves pressing these in and out.
Deqlan is taking more and more steps by himself - very exciting!
We go for our 11th and yes final round next Thursday 25 October - blood tests will be done and urine tests to - these take a while so should be ready by the time we have our big appointment on 8 Nov. Every time i think about the 8th of Novemeber or even right about it I get butterflies in my stomach , cause I know its round the corner and I cant wait to hear fantastic news that Deqlan is NED, please Dear Holy and Healing Lord. Please continue to pray very hard for our soldier, I know each and every prayer is heard - we are so Blessed to have you all behind us - make that next to us, thank you so very very very much.
We are still recieving wonderful contributions for our CHOC food packs! Thank you so much Gary, Kim and Paige for all the items you so lovingly purchased - syrup, dishwashing liquid, jik, washing powder, bovril, jam, peanut butter, maize meal, sugar, rice, coffee, soap and 2 minute noodles. Your giving spirit blows us away and we are so grateful and thankful for your help, thank you so very very very much from us all.
You may all think its strange i mention every item for our food packs, but i want you to know that we are grateful for every single item that is going to making these cancer kids and their families enjoy a wonderful and nutritous Christmas. We appreciate every single one. Thank you and thank you again - i cant say it enough.
Another HUGE thank you must go to my beautiful Mom and Deqlans Nanna - dont know if I have mentioned this before , but Meggy started a prayer book for Deqlan when he was diagnosed back in May. We recieved so many smses, emails, posts, letters,cards, gifts that we wanted to put them all in a book to show Deqlan how many people love him and are praying for his total and permanent healing. This book has become HUGE with the amount of beautiful, unforgettable, treasured momentos - Nanna sits every day , while our soldier is sleeping, and so lovingly cuts and pastes all of the emails and blog comments into the prayer book and then she chooses the most beautiful stickers and pictures to put with the messages to make each page sparkle, glow and be so much more special ! Thank you My Darling Mom for every second you so lovingly put into this precious book, which i know Deqlan is going to treasure for ever. No matter how tired your hands get from cutting, you continue to make each page so beautiful and so special. Thank you from Deqlan and I for this beautiful effort of love. We love you so so very much - you amaze us- you never get tired, and even when you have a headache or migraine, you keep on keeping on making sure we are looked after and happy and comfortable. One day, My Darling Mom, I will pull the stars down for you , I shall give you the earth if i could to show you how much we love and treasure you.
Logan came to visit for the weekend, she spent Saturday with the Lambs , and her best friend Kaleigh. On Sunday she got to see Granny and her Oupa Chris and Cheryl. She asked to come to Bevs House, my mom, several times - so we hope and pray we can arrange for her to see My Mom next time she is here. I miss her like mad, and Im sure Deqlan does to. I cant wait for them to play together again, bath together, get up to mishief together, laugh together, run and jump together ...i cant wait....
The results are in for our friend Kate. The biopsy of the tumor came back us 98% dead cells 2% living neuroblastoma cells. The biopsy is being sent to a hospital in Los Angeles to see if the cells have matured or not . Depending on this result Kate might need further treatment or just need to be watched . Please continue to pray for our precious friend Kate and her wonderful family, that God continues to heal her and that he gives these doctors the wisdom to plan the next steps for her.
Yesterday, 16 October, was a very sad day in the NB world - we lost another beautiful boy, Lucas Tran. He was diagnosed at 9 months, cleared, then had a relapse and battled neuroblastoma until 3 weeks before his 4th Birthday. This disease is so unfair. May Our Lord welcome Lucas pain free into His Kingdom and may He give the Tran family comfort, peace and love.
We need to continue spreading the word and creating awareness and funding for research for a cure - if you have not already , please send an email to the producers of Oprah asking her for a show on Neuroblastoma - can you imagine what awareness just 1 hour show could bring?
I will be joining Nanna & Meggy tonight at The Mission currently on at our church. This only happens every 7 years and is apparently so moving and it really fills your cup with Faith again. Each night a different topic is discussed and tonights one will be on Faith - so looking very forward to it. Dada will be watching our soldier tonight as I go for an hour or so to go and pray for our beautiful boy and others fighting this wicked disease.
Have a lovely week, God Bless and please continue the prayers for our Beautiful Deqlan.
Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in Thee, all for Thee Oh Lord, Oh My Jesus All For Thee
All our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Deqlan is taking more and more steps by himself - very exciting!
We go for our 11th and yes final round next Thursday 25 October - blood tests will be done and urine tests to - these take a while so should be ready by the time we have our big appointment on 8 Nov. Every time i think about the 8th of Novemeber or even right about it I get butterflies in my stomach , cause I know its round the corner and I cant wait to hear fantastic news that Deqlan is NED, please Dear Holy and Healing Lord. Please continue to pray very hard for our soldier, I know each and every prayer is heard - we are so Blessed to have you all behind us - make that next to us, thank you so very very very much.
We are still recieving wonderful contributions for our CHOC food packs! Thank you so much Gary, Kim and Paige for all the items you so lovingly purchased - syrup, dishwashing liquid, jik, washing powder, bovril, jam, peanut butter, maize meal, sugar, rice, coffee, soap and 2 minute noodles. Your giving spirit blows us away and we are so grateful and thankful for your help, thank you so very very very much from us all.
You may all think its strange i mention every item for our food packs, but i want you to know that we are grateful for every single item that is going to making these cancer kids and their families enjoy a wonderful and nutritous Christmas. We appreciate every single one. Thank you and thank you again - i cant say it enough.
Another HUGE thank you must go to my beautiful Mom and Deqlans Nanna - dont know if I have mentioned this before , but Meggy started a prayer book for Deqlan when he was diagnosed back in May. We recieved so many smses, emails, posts, letters,cards, gifts that we wanted to put them all in a book to show Deqlan how many people love him and are praying for his total and permanent healing. This book has become HUGE with the amount of beautiful, unforgettable, treasured momentos - Nanna sits every day , while our soldier is sleeping, and so lovingly cuts and pastes all of the emails and blog comments into the prayer book and then she chooses the most beautiful stickers and pictures to put with the messages to make each page sparkle, glow and be so much more special ! Thank you My Darling Mom for every second you so lovingly put into this precious book, which i know Deqlan is going to treasure for ever. No matter how tired your hands get from cutting, you continue to make each page so beautiful and so special. Thank you from Deqlan and I for this beautiful effort of love. We love you so so very much - you amaze us- you never get tired, and even when you have a headache or migraine, you keep on keeping on making sure we are looked after and happy and comfortable. One day, My Darling Mom, I will pull the stars down for you , I shall give you the earth if i could to show you how much we love and treasure you.
Logan came to visit for the weekend, she spent Saturday with the Lambs , and her best friend Kaleigh. On Sunday she got to see Granny and her Oupa Chris and Cheryl. She asked to come to Bevs House, my mom, several times - so we hope and pray we can arrange for her to see My Mom next time she is here. I miss her like mad, and Im sure Deqlan does to. I cant wait for them to play together again, bath together, get up to mishief together, laugh together, run and jump together ...i cant wait....
The results are in for our friend Kate. The biopsy of the tumor came back us 98% dead cells 2% living neuroblastoma cells. The biopsy is being sent to a hospital in Los Angeles to see if the cells have matured or not . Depending on this result Kate might need further treatment or just need to be watched . Please continue to pray for our precious friend Kate and her wonderful family, that God continues to heal her and that he gives these doctors the wisdom to plan the next steps for her.
Yesterday, 16 October, was a very sad day in the NB world - we lost another beautiful boy, Lucas Tran. He was diagnosed at 9 months, cleared, then had a relapse and battled neuroblastoma until 3 weeks before his 4th Birthday. This disease is so unfair. May Our Lord welcome Lucas pain free into His Kingdom and may He give the Tran family comfort, peace and love.
We need to continue spreading the word and creating awareness and funding for research for a cure - if you have not already , please send an email to the producers of Oprah asking her for a show on Neuroblastoma - can you imagine what awareness just 1 hour show could bring?
I will be joining Nanna & Meggy tonight at The Mission currently on at our church. This only happens every 7 years and is apparently so moving and it really fills your cup with Faith again. Each night a different topic is discussed and tonights one will be on Faith - so looking very forward to it. Dada will be watching our soldier tonight as I go for an hour or so to go and pray for our beautiful boy and others fighting this wicked disease.
Have a lovely week, God Bless and please continue the prayers for our Beautiful Deqlan.
Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our trust in Thee, all for Thee Oh Lord, Oh My Jesus All For Thee
All our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Monday, October 15, 2007
Round 10!
10 down and 1 to go - i have longed for ssssssssssoooooooo long to type these words!
Things went well this morning, Deqlan did put up a fight though and tried to roll and get away from us holding him still - we have to - especially with vincristine, if the needle comes out the port and anything leaks - it will do serious serious damage it will actually burn the tissue - so we held his hands and Nanna sang songs and pointed to different pictures to try and take his mind off being restricted. His Baby Einstein Neighbourhood animals also helped a little bit this time
It was all done within 30 minutes, doc checked Deqlans body and was happy and no problems to report, thank You Dear Lord!
Next and FINAL ROUND( can you hear me shouting for joy) will be 25 October - we will also have full blood work down and urine tests, before the start of the scanning 31 October.
Dr De Jager will be away in India for a cancer conference from 27 Oct for a week so the scans wil be done while he is away - we are hoping they give the scans to us so we can at least have a look see at the report while we wait for the MIBG scans on 7 & 8 November.
We saw our friends Ruan and Yolandie this morning, Ruan is in for a 5 day treatment this time - he is walking to! As soon as he saw us he smiled and pointed to Deqlan - Our little soldier also gave a big grin back and they where clearly happy to see each other.
So we will count the days down in anticipation of the last , please Dear Lord, ever chemo session on 25 October!
Thank you for your emails, calls, sms, posts and above all prayers for today, we appreciate them more then you know! What a Blessing we have recieved in you all supporting Deqlan and being with us through this journey.
I have decided when a little bit of worry comes into my mind that I am immediately going to change it into a prayer, because I know that fear does not come from Our Lord. I place ALL MY TRUST IN HIM! Thank you Dear Lord for being with us through this journey and protecting and guiding us and for taking such wonderful care of our beautiful soldier, Deqlan
We recieved even more contributions to our CHOC food packs today - thank you so so very much Kyla, Dave and kids for the peanut better, rice, powered milk,jungle oats, spagetthi and custard powder - WE and the families that our going to be enjoying them say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the effort you went to and for being such wonderful friends to Megs - i hope our friendship also grows, you are wonderful people!
A quick update on Kate, she has started working around and started on clear fluids - all systems need to be working and Kate needs to be eating normally before they can all return home. They will also recieve the final details from the biopsies performed on the tumor today - please pray for fantastic results.
Things went well this morning, Deqlan did put up a fight though and tried to roll and get away from us holding him still - we have to - especially with vincristine, if the needle comes out the port and anything leaks - it will do serious serious damage it will actually burn the tissue - so we held his hands and Nanna sang songs and pointed to different pictures to try and take his mind off being restricted. His Baby Einstein Neighbourhood animals also helped a little bit this time
It was all done within 30 minutes, doc checked Deqlans body and was happy and no problems to report, thank You Dear Lord!
Next and FINAL ROUND( can you hear me shouting for joy) will be 25 October - we will also have full blood work down and urine tests, before the start of the scanning 31 October.
Dr De Jager will be away in India for a cancer conference from 27 Oct for a week so the scans wil be done while he is away - we are hoping they give the scans to us so we can at least have a look see at the report while we wait for the MIBG scans on 7 & 8 November.
We saw our friends Ruan and Yolandie this morning, Ruan is in for a 5 day treatment this time - he is walking to! As soon as he saw us he smiled and pointed to Deqlan - Our little soldier also gave a big grin back and they where clearly happy to see each other.
So we will count the days down in anticipation of the last , please Dear Lord, ever chemo session on 25 October!
Thank you for your emails, calls, sms, posts and above all prayers for today, we appreciate them more then you know! What a Blessing we have recieved in you all supporting Deqlan and being with us through this journey.
I have decided when a little bit of worry comes into my mind that I am immediately going to change it into a prayer, because I know that fear does not come from Our Lord. I place ALL MY TRUST IN HIM! Thank you Dear Lord for being with us through this journey and protecting and guiding us and for taking such wonderful care of our beautiful soldier, Deqlan
We recieved even more contributions to our CHOC food packs today - thank you so so very much Kyla, Dave and kids for the peanut better, rice, powered milk,jungle oats, spagetthi and custard powder - WE and the families that our going to be enjoying them say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the effort you went to and for being such wonderful friends to Megs - i hope our friendship also grows, you are wonderful people!
A quick update on Kate, she has started working around and started on clear fluids - all systems need to be working and Kate needs to be eating normally before they can all return home. They will also recieve the final details from the biopsies performed on the tumor today - please pray for fantastic results.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Update on Kate
Hi All
Just a quick update on our friend Kate:
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 07:58 PM, CDT
Well, here is our fourth and final update for today. Kate is still resting comfortably thanks to morphine. Her vitals are pretty good. She has a slight temperature that isn't too concerning yet. Right now we are working on getting her to pee - they might do a bladder scan (a mini ultrasound) to see that all is right down there. I hope nothing is wrong. Twice now she has given me the sign language for drink but she won't be allowed to drink or eat until tomorrow at the earliest. She's also said a few words but is mostly sleeping. I'm very tired and hoping to catch a bit of sleep in the chair right next to her crib. I posted a few pictures of her so you can see how she looks right now. It sounds like all the tubes will be in for a few days so I'm planning to celebrate as each one comes out. I'm also aching to see her real personality as soon as possible. Overall I'm grateful and glad to have this first day behind us.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 03:23 PM, CDT
We are back with our precious redhead and up in the familiar 8th floor oncology world. We haven't been able to hold her yet and it may be awhile before she wants us to. She didn't like being transferred in to her crib up here but she opened her eyes when I sang her "You Are My Sunshine." We ask that visitors please wait for a couple of days before stopping by - we would like her to relax quietly until she's able to move around without a lot of pain. More hugs to everyone - we are blessed beyond words to be where we are right now.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 02:12 PM, CDT
Kate is in the recovery room and did fine. No blood was needed and the incision isn't as large as they thought it would be. They didn't get much of the tumor but the news is still good. The tumor was very fibrous and looked and felt like dead scar tissue. It was so thin and tightly wrapped around critical elements that the risk/reward scenario for removing all of it wasn't in our favor. The surgeon took enough samples from the various sections for a complete biopsy. We should have those results by Monday at the latest. The biopsy will be used to confirm that everything is indeed dead and that there aren't any microscopic traces of active cancer. The remaining tumor in her body should never cause her any difficulty or discomfort. We are so glad she is through the most dangerous part of today. The next few days could be tough. She has a NG (nose drain) tube and a bladder tube which will stay in for a day or two. She will be really sore and on morphine for a bit. We haven't seen her yet and are anxiously awaiting the call to go back there. It sounds like we won't need to go to the ICU (thank God!) and will most likely be admitted to the oncology floor for her recovery. It sounds like we might be here five to seven days...I'll let you know more once we get a bit more clarity. Thank you all ever so much for your support and prayers have no idea how much they have helped.
Our Little soldier took more steps today so im sure he will be running pretty soon at this rate!
Have a lovely weekend and God Bless
Lots of Love
All of Us
Just a quick update on our friend Kate:
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 07:58 PM, CDT
Well, here is our fourth and final update for today. Kate is still resting comfortably thanks to morphine. Her vitals are pretty good. She has a slight temperature that isn't too concerning yet. Right now we are working on getting her to pee - they might do a bladder scan (a mini ultrasound) to see that all is right down there. I hope nothing is wrong. Twice now she has given me the sign language for drink but she won't be allowed to drink or eat until tomorrow at the earliest. She's also said a few words but is mostly sleeping. I'm very tired and hoping to catch a bit of sleep in the chair right next to her crib. I posted a few pictures of her so you can see how she looks right now. It sounds like all the tubes will be in for a few days so I'm planning to celebrate as each one comes out. I'm also aching to see her real personality as soon as possible. Overall I'm grateful and glad to have this first day behind us.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 03:23 PM, CDT
We are back with our precious redhead and up in the familiar 8th floor oncology world. We haven't been able to hold her yet and it may be awhile before she wants us to. She didn't like being transferred in to her crib up here but she opened her eyes when I sang her "You Are My Sunshine." We ask that visitors please wait for a couple of days before stopping by - we would like her to relax quietly until she's able to move around without a lot of pain. More hugs to everyone - we are blessed beyond words to be where we are right now.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 02:12 PM, CDT
Kate is in the recovery room and did fine. No blood was needed and the incision isn't as large as they thought it would be. They didn't get much of the tumor but the news is still good. The tumor was very fibrous and looked and felt like dead scar tissue. It was so thin and tightly wrapped around critical elements that the risk/reward scenario for removing all of it wasn't in our favor. The surgeon took enough samples from the various sections for a complete biopsy. We should have those results by Monday at the latest. The biopsy will be used to confirm that everything is indeed dead and that there aren't any microscopic traces of active cancer. The remaining tumor in her body should never cause her any difficulty or discomfort. We are so glad she is through the most dangerous part of today. The next few days could be tough. She has a NG (nose drain) tube and a bladder tube which will stay in for a day or two. She will be really sore and on morphine for a bit. We haven't seen her yet and are anxiously awaiting the call to go back there. It sounds like we won't need to go to the ICU (thank God!) and will most likely be admitted to the oncology floor for her recovery. It sounds like we might be here five to seven days...I'll let you know more once we get a bit more clarity. Thank you all ever so much for your support and prayers have no idea how much they have helped.
Our Little soldier took more steps today so im sure he will be running pretty soon at this rate!
Have a lovely weekend and God Bless
Lots of Love
All of Us
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Deqlan is 13 months today!

I cant believe that Deqlan is 13 months old- my how quickly time has gone!
He took another 6 steps yesterday and its happening more frequently and more steps each time! He stands up very proudly and starts getting ready to motion forward and if he feels he has just the right balance , away he goes! Its wonderful to watch!
We had a very , very special Blessing this morning. Father Scott from our church Mission, came to do a special healing Blessing for Deqlan. It was a beautiful ceremony and Father anointed Deqlans head and hands - i shall always remember that. He asked for Our Lord to take every illness out of his body and return him to full health , and to be with him and guide him and protect him. Nanna, Meggy, Great Grandpa and I where very proud of Deqlan as he quietly sat on my lap listening to Father Scott , our soldier is so clever im sure he even understood and realised the importance of this Blessing - wow Deqlan is really Blessed now, he has been Baptized, Confirmed and has recieved annointing of the sick and today special annointing for healing. What a special day to do this on, his 13 month Birthday!
Deqlan recieved the most gorgeous Birthday gifts from Uncle Ken, Aunty Jenni, Keje and Jeran! A pull along truck with lots of shapes in, and big wheels , which he loves so so so much! He also recieved a tractor with a trailer and the wheels are so real they look like real tyres, so Deqlan was in his element with this toy to! Thank you all so much, you really touched my heart with these gifts and Deqlan is going to get many happy years of playing with them, we love and miss you all very very much
Thank you to Laura, Kerry, Suzanne and family for your very generous donation of so so many two minute noodles - they are going to give alot of hungry tummys some much needed nutrition. Thank you for all your support to Megs and our family during this time- you girls are all so special and Megs has gained such amazing friends in you all - thank you and God Bless you all.
Today, actually as I type, Kate is having surgery to remove her primary tumor in her abdomen. Please pray that they are able to remove as much the tumor as possible , that Kate has a speedy recovery , that God puts his calmness over her parents and that she is totally and permanently healed forever. In Honor of Kate , we all wore red today along with our red Kates Cure Crew Bracelets. When I arrived at my Moms house this morning and put Deqlans Telly Tubbys on, the theme of the day was...RED..... I JUST KNEW THAT TODAY, WAS KATES DAY AND THAT ALL IS GOING TO BE PERFECT AND KATE HEALED.Sending you all our love, prayers and support, cant wait to get the good news! God Bless you all, BY JESUS STRIPES KATE IS HEALED!
Please pray that Deqlans 10th round of chemo goes fantasticaly well on Monday, 15 October, that he is calm and no fear for the duration of the treatment, that the vincristine does its job, and that any remaining cancer cells are wiped out - that his tumor has shrunk and dissapeared,that every metastatic site has been cleared and that his bone marrow has been cleared - all totally and permanently, in Jesus Holy Name AMEN
God Bless you all , please stay in touch and let us know how all of you are - please continue to pray for all our friends that our sick and need our Lords Healing.
I cant thank you all enough for your continued posts on the blog, emails, calls, sms and above all prayers. I feel them,I know Deqlan feels them and I know God Hears them! Sacred Heart of Jesus we place our Trust in Thee, All for Thee Oh Lord, Oh My Jesus, ALL FOR THEE
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thank you
Wow - what an amazing response we have recieved in response to our CHOC food packs...i am totally overwhelmed.
My love -you have the hugest heart - thank you for all the items you so lovingly purchased for these families - the coffee, mealie meal,soap, jam, rice, two minute noodles, packet of soup & sugar - thank you so much My love - you know how much this will help all of these families - you are always the first person to step in to help when anyone needs it and I know Deqlan is also going to inherit this amazing trait from you. Deqlan and I are so proud of you and so grateful for all you do for us, and others, we love you so so very much!
Dearest Karen, you where one of the 1st people to answer our call for help. I feel so Blessed that we have remained friends and in contact you are such a special person and Im Blessed to know you and your family - thank you very very much for the Ensure, cans of food and coffee and tea, from the bottom of my heart thank you
Wendy, Ryan and the rest of the family - wow - thank you to you and your company Wendy for donating 10 of everything on our list! You already have helped 10 families have the most memorable Christmas ever! I cant wait for you to meet Deqlan so he can say thank you personally. I am humbled at your generosity and giving spirit - thank you very very very much.
Wes and Elriza and all the people at your work , thank you for arranging so many donations of noodles , toilet rolls, deodorant and all the tins of food - these are going to help more people then you know - thank you to for always posting such beautiful messages on our site - i am so glad we crossed paths and proud to call you friends, you are going to make fatastic parents, thank you so much.
Kev, Debs and Josh, what a stunning surprise to see the huge amount of washing powder ,clothes and nappies you have contributed. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this - i know that this cause is especially close to your hearts and I thank you for taking the time and effort to help others, thank you
James and Elizabeth - you guys where actually the first to drop off 1 of every single item on the list - you started the ball rolling and it hasnt stopped since! Thank you for being so very very generous, for opening your hearts and helping our cause - you have brought happiness to so many families , thank you so very much
Claire my dear friend thank you again for all the mealie meal, sugar, tea, bully beef and other tins of food. Thank you to for always spoiling Deqlan rotten, especially with your gift today of a bubble machine which he loves so so much! You know how much bubbles mean to us and we shall treasure this gift alway - thank you for putting these families into your list of priorities for Christmas, we are so grateful, thank you!
Tanie Lia and Uncle Wouter thank you so much for your wonderful contribution of tea and tins of food - i cant thank you enough for opening your hearts to this cause and for always checking in on us and above all for your continued prayers for our beautiful Deqlan, thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Thank you Megs for driving around going to collect all the items and for arranging this drive, you have a huge and giving heart and each year you strive to help others - you always have a project and way we can help those in need and I know how passionate you are about CHOC and I know you will do anything to help Deqlan and those other children and families in need - i am so proud of you Megs, great things come to great people, I love you so very much!
No matter if 1 or 100 items are donated to the CHOC families this Christmas, please know that I am so grateful for every item for every second you took in putting your donation together, for getting other people involved, for your continued support, love, encouragement and prayers for our beautiful Deqlan - if he could talk he would thank you each personally and tell you how much he appreciates you are doing for us and his friends, he would!
God Bless you all , you are amazing people and we are priviliged to have you as our family and friends and part of Deqlans army to fight this cancer, we love you all dearly
Good night and Bless you
Lots of love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
My love -you have the hugest heart - thank you for all the items you so lovingly purchased for these families - the coffee, mealie meal,soap, jam, rice, two minute noodles, packet of soup & sugar - thank you so much My love - you know how much this will help all of these families - you are always the first person to step in to help when anyone needs it and I know Deqlan is also going to inherit this amazing trait from you. Deqlan and I are so proud of you and so grateful for all you do for us, and others, we love you so so very much!
Dearest Karen, you where one of the 1st people to answer our call for help. I feel so Blessed that we have remained friends and in contact you are such a special person and Im Blessed to know you and your family - thank you very very much for the Ensure, cans of food and coffee and tea, from the bottom of my heart thank you
Wendy, Ryan and the rest of the family - wow - thank you to you and your company Wendy for donating 10 of everything on our list! You already have helped 10 families have the most memorable Christmas ever! I cant wait for you to meet Deqlan so he can say thank you personally. I am humbled at your generosity and giving spirit - thank you very very very much.
Wes and Elriza and all the people at your work , thank you for arranging so many donations of noodles , toilet rolls, deodorant and all the tins of food - these are going to help more people then you know - thank you to for always posting such beautiful messages on our site - i am so glad we crossed paths and proud to call you friends, you are going to make fatastic parents, thank you so much.
Kev, Debs and Josh, what a stunning surprise to see the huge amount of washing powder ,clothes and nappies you have contributed. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this - i know that this cause is especially close to your hearts and I thank you for taking the time and effort to help others, thank you
James and Elizabeth - you guys where actually the first to drop off 1 of every single item on the list - you started the ball rolling and it hasnt stopped since! Thank you for being so very very generous, for opening your hearts and helping our cause - you have brought happiness to so many families , thank you so very much
Claire my dear friend thank you again for all the mealie meal, sugar, tea, bully beef and other tins of food. Thank you to for always spoiling Deqlan rotten, especially with your gift today of a bubble machine which he loves so so much! You know how much bubbles mean to us and we shall treasure this gift alway - thank you for putting these families into your list of priorities for Christmas, we are so grateful, thank you!
Tanie Lia and Uncle Wouter thank you so much for your wonderful contribution of tea and tins of food - i cant thank you enough for opening your hearts to this cause and for always checking in on us and above all for your continued prayers for our beautiful Deqlan, thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Thank you Megs for driving around going to collect all the items and for arranging this drive, you have a huge and giving heart and each year you strive to help others - you always have a project and way we can help those in need and I know how passionate you are about CHOC and I know you will do anything to help Deqlan and those other children and families in need - i am so proud of you Megs, great things come to great people, I love you so very much!
No matter if 1 or 100 items are donated to the CHOC families this Christmas, please know that I am so grateful for every item for every second you took in putting your donation together, for getting other people involved, for your continued support, love, encouragement and prayers for our beautiful Deqlan - if he could talk he would thank you each personally and tell you how much he appreciates you are doing for us and his friends, he would!
God Bless you all , you are amazing people and we are priviliged to have you as our family and friends and part of Deqlans army to fight this cancer, we love you all dearly
Good night and Bless you
Lots of love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Update on Kate!

We recieved the fantastic news that Kate is NED - NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!
Congrats Kate and the whole Jacobs family - what wonderful news, we are so pleased for you!
Good Luck for tommorows surgery to remove the remainder of the tumor - we will be with you every second in prayer and our thoughts will be with you throughout the day!
Good Luck for tommorows surgery to remove the remainder of the tumor - we will be with you every second in prayer and our thoughts will be with you throughout the day!
May Our Lord continue to keep you all safely in his arms- he is working his miracle in our kids and I know Kate will come out of surgery smiling! Keep your heads up, keep your amazing fighting spirit and continue to always follow The Lord
I saw a butterfly as i arrived at my Moms house this morning and smiled knowing that she is going to be just perfect - Thanks for your message on our blog about the bracelet - i wear it with pride for Kate every single day!
God Bless you all - Everything is possible to those who believe! Mark 9:23
Also, today , Ren leaves for the UK - my dear friend - i wish you all the love and happiness in the world, all the adventure you have ever dreamed of , to reach every star you possibly can. Please be safe and have the time of your life - i am going to miss you more then you will know, but i want you to go and have a ball ALL MY LOVE TO YOU, SAMMY
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sunday, the 7th October 2007
Hi All
Hope you had a stunning weekend with your loved ones !
Because Deqlans 9th round went so well and Doc was happy with him, Friday night we went out for Renes surprise farewell and Birthday celebration - it was the first time we have seen our friends in 5 months and was really lovely to catch up with them. Ren as i said in my previous blog we are going to miss you madly but know that this is going to be such an amazing adventure for you - so grab it and have the time of your life with Grant. Happy Birthday for yesterday my friend, i just know that this is the year you have been waiting for. We love you lots and we are going to miss you!
Saturday we spent in doors as it rained ..again...Deqlan took another 3 steps all by himself, and not even 2 minutes later i recieved an sms from my Mom saying that my gran had taken 3 steps by herself to! What a miracle! For those of you who dont know Nan has been in a wheelchair for quite some time now as she is to weak to walk - well, well what a lovely surprise to hear that she took some steps - how exciting - i pray you continue to get stronger every day Nan and that by the time Deqlan can come and visit you again you are both walking full force! We love and miss you so much Darling Nan, im so proud of you!
Great Grandad, Nanna, Meggie and I went to church Saturday night and enjoyed a very inspirational service about Faith and that even if you faith is a big as a mustard seed it can do miraculous things ! We also chatted about how being a Christian is hard work - it is not just something we pray about its something we take action in every second of the day. The mission starts at or church the next two weeks and we are trying to arrange for one of the Mission Fathers to come to Nannas house in the week to do a very special Blessing for Deqlan - that should be lovely for Father Scott to pop in on his rounds to do this Blessing!
Got home from church and a huge storm arrived - luckily we had just enough time to boil the kettle for Deqlans bottles , have a bite to eat and then the power went off....for two hours!!!! Mark was not impressed as he missed most of the rugby between New Zealand and France. What a schock for the power to come back on and to discover New Zealand out of the world cup!
Sunday the Sun came out! I was very exicted to take Deqlan for a walk in the pram as we havent done this in over a week because of all the rain! He sat eating his cheese puffs as we walked down the drive way enjoying the birds and plants! The power went off AGAIN - so Mark missed the Argentina vs Scotland game!
We Hope that the power stays on especially for the semi finals next weekend South Africa- Argentina!
Deqlan is walking and running around (holding one of our hands)at such a speed! His confidence is really picking up and im sure any day now we will have a little walking soldier on our hands, hooray! What a milestone!
Have a lovely week, thank you for your continued prayers, support, encouragement and for always checking in on us!
Please continue to pray for all our friends - especially Kate today, as she recieves the results of her bone marrow test - so far everything has shown fantastic results - praying for you all Kate and Jacobs family!
God Bless and please stay in touch and let us know how all of you are!
Lots of Love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
By Jesus Stripes Deqlan is healed!
Hope you had a stunning weekend with your loved ones !
Because Deqlans 9th round went so well and Doc was happy with him, Friday night we went out for Renes surprise farewell and Birthday celebration - it was the first time we have seen our friends in 5 months and was really lovely to catch up with them. Ren as i said in my previous blog we are going to miss you madly but know that this is going to be such an amazing adventure for you - so grab it and have the time of your life with Grant. Happy Birthday for yesterday my friend, i just know that this is the year you have been waiting for. We love you lots and we are going to miss you!
Saturday we spent in doors as it rained ..again...Deqlan took another 3 steps all by himself, and not even 2 minutes later i recieved an sms from my Mom saying that my gran had taken 3 steps by herself to! What a miracle! For those of you who dont know Nan has been in a wheelchair for quite some time now as she is to weak to walk - well, well what a lovely surprise to hear that she took some steps - how exciting - i pray you continue to get stronger every day Nan and that by the time Deqlan can come and visit you again you are both walking full force! We love and miss you so much Darling Nan, im so proud of you!
Great Grandad, Nanna, Meggie and I went to church Saturday night and enjoyed a very inspirational service about Faith and that even if you faith is a big as a mustard seed it can do miraculous things ! We also chatted about how being a Christian is hard work - it is not just something we pray about its something we take action in every second of the day. The mission starts at or church the next two weeks and we are trying to arrange for one of the Mission Fathers to come to Nannas house in the week to do a very special Blessing for Deqlan - that should be lovely for Father Scott to pop in on his rounds to do this Blessing!
Got home from church and a huge storm arrived - luckily we had just enough time to boil the kettle for Deqlans bottles , have a bite to eat and then the power went off....for two hours!!!! Mark was not impressed as he missed most of the rugby between New Zealand and France. What a schock for the power to come back on and to discover New Zealand out of the world cup!
Sunday the Sun came out! I was very exicted to take Deqlan for a walk in the pram as we havent done this in over a week because of all the rain! He sat eating his cheese puffs as we walked down the drive way enjoying the birds and plants! The power went off AGAIN - so Mark missed the Argentina vs Scotland game!
We Hope that the power stays on especially for the semi finals next weekend South Africa- Argentina!
Deqlan is walking and running around (holding one of our hands)at such a speed! His confidence is really picking up and im sure any day now we will have a little walking soldier on our hands, hooray! What a milestone!
Have a lovely week, thank you for your continued prayers, support, encouragement and for always checking in on us!
Please continue to pray for all our friends - especially Kate today, as she recieves the results of her bone marrow test - so far everything has shown fantastic results - praying for you all Kate and Jacobs family!
God Bless and please stay in touch and let us know how all of you are!
Lots of Love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
By Jesus Stripes Deqlan is healed!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Round 9 down!
What a star patient Deqlan was today - again, not even a tear or moan as sister Suzette inserted the needle into the porto cath. He enjoyed eating some flings and watching his beloved May May on dvd. Nanna and I each held a hand to keep him from discovering the needle and then trying to pull it out! He was really the best patient i have ever seen! It took only about half an hour for the vincristine to run in and the line to be flushed and then Dr De Jager did a full check up - he is very pleased with Deqlan ! His weight stable at 10.3kg and all else looks great
We go for the 10th round 15th October, exactly the same procedure as today
11th round on 25th October where blood tests and urine tests will be done in the build up to the final re assesment
We then go back for ct and mri scans 31 October - scans will be done of the pelvis, chest, abdomen
First part of MIBG scan will be done 7 November, second part 8 Novemeber and the same day we will sit down with Doctor to discuss the results and where to from there!
On the whole Doc seems very happy and very positive today - thank you Dear Lord, music to my ears!
Thanks so much for your prayers for today and for Deqlans total and permanent healing - I know Our Lord is listening, he always does! Please continue to keep all of our friends in your thoughts and prayers - especially Kate as the Jacobs family await the results of all the tests they have this week!
God Bless have a stunning weekend and remain the amazing loyal strong comforting encouraging army you are
We love you all
Thank you Dear Lord that round 9 is down and only 2 to go, WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS US
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
We go for the 10th round 15th October, exactly the same procedure as today
11th round on 25th October where blood tests and urine tests will be done in the build up to the final re assesment
We then go back for ct and mri scans 31 October - scans will be done of the pelvis, chest, abdomen
First part of MIBG scan will be done 7 November, second part 8 Novemeber and the same day we will sit down with Doctor to discuss the results and where to from there!
On the whole Doc seems very happy and very positive today - thank you Dear Lord, music to my ears!
Thanks so much for your prayers for today and for Deqlans total and permanent healing - I know Our Lord is listening, he always does! Please continue to keep all of our friends in your thoughts and prayers - especially Kate as the Jacobs family await the results of all the tests they have this week!
God Bless have a stunning weekend and remain the amazing loyal strong comforting encouraging army you are
We love you all
Thank you Dear Lord that round 9 is down and only 2 to go, WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS US
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Deqlan takes 2 steps
I love Meggies Sunglasses!

I love helping Mama with the washing

Had to write a blog tonight to let you know that Deqlan tooks his first two steps all my himself! Mark and I looked at eah other and burst out laughing! My heart is beaming with pride - what an amazing sight,we so priviliged to have seen it first! Thank you Lord for an amazing mile stone Deqlan has reached - we are so proud! SO im sure its around the corner that my little baby shall be running around hooray, my how the time has flown
Deqlan is still recieving Birthday presents! He recieved a set of sports balls from Claire, Stephan and Hannah today - a football, basketball and soccer ball - he loves them thanks so much guys!Thank you to Claire for my stunning gifts and one of the mosty beautiful cards i have ever seen, your words touched me and I shall read the card each time i feel i need a lift, thank you for being such a special friend
Thank you to Claire for your fantastic contribution towards the Choc food packs!They are going to help so many families, thank you. Thank you to all that have contributed so much so far - i cant wait to thank each and every single one of you personally - thank you for doing this for Deqlan and for all the other families fighting paediatric cancer, God Bless you all for opening your hearts to this worthy cause
We got great news from our friends in Minnesota - Kates scans are showing great results and improvements! Thank you Lord - please continue to pray that the remainder of the tests continue to go as well and that we are soon saying Kate is NED - no evidence of disease!
My dear dear friend Ren and her boyfriend Grant are off to the UK for 2 years - they leave 10 October -i am going to miss you like mad Ren - i wish we had more time together these last few months - but i know you where with us in prayer and spirit - i know you of all people understand what Deqlan is going through - i salute you my friend for beating this 3 times -you are an inspiration to me and to Deqlan - go and have a ball in the UK - go and spread your wings and have the time of your life- I know you and Grant are going to be so happy together and the experience is going to be one of the best times of your life. I will miss you my dear friend, we love you very much. God Bless and be safe and cant wait to see you in March again!
Please pray for our little soldiers 9th round of chemo on Friday - please pray that his blood counts are great, that he handles this round just as well and that the chemo continues to kill and destroy any cancer cells Please pray that his immune system continues to strengthen and that he continues to do so very well
Have posted some new pics of Deqlan ( some of him doing the washing with me ha ha ha)- enjoy , he is doing so great, Praise Our Heavenly Father
Sleep tight, God Bless
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
We can do all things through Christ we strengthens us!
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