Hello Everyone ,
its been a real roller coaster week again, great news and then heartbreaking news of Austin passing last night - please pray for him and for his family, what a brave soldier and what a fight he put up.
I wanted to say a huge thank you again to you all for your support and efforts for snug as a bug! Thank you my dear friends Claire, Stephan and Hannah for the HUGE bag of clothes and pjs - you are always so willing to help others in need and you have been part of our army from day 1! Thank you so much guys for opening your hearts and for always being there for us!
Its long weekend YAY! and that means more play time with Mark at home, sorry i mean Dadda and i am hoping and holding thumbs the weather is warm on monday and we can try and get to take Deqlan to run around somewhere outside and maybe have a little friend join us ( holding thumbs Hannah! )
Deqlan saw one of my moms neighbours little grandkids yesterday, Mia, she is 5 days younger then Deqlan - well- i wish you couldve seen the smile on his face - he ran around and around and then back to Mia to try and touch her, probably to feel if she was real and he is not used to kids at all! It was wonderful to see and i cant wait to slowly start introducing friends deqlans own age, that arent sick and not at a school, to play with - i know i always mention these things but they are still so important in keeping Deqlan well
Deqlan has been teething again this week - this time, the left back molars. He was so miserable on Tuesday we had to cancel play therapy! He didnt want food , he didnt even want his juice - then you know, he was not feeling well. He was crying and putting every finger he could possibly fit into his mouth, including trying to bite mine! We gave his some calpol to ease the pain and he then had a lovely 3 hour nap and woke up a bit better!
He is still teething and his appetite not great, his nappies shocking, but every day seems a bit better!
Deqlan is full of new tricks this week - he figured out he could swim in the bath and in the sand! He discovered he could lie on is tummy in the bath and kick and splash - he is even brave enough to try and sample the water! He decided to give it a go in the play sand yesterday and proceeded to sample the sand - it was at this point that we had to say no more swimming little froggie!
Today, 25 April,marks exactly one year ago, that symptoms started appearing. Deqlans eye lid as swollen and i thought it was due to the new food i had tried the night before at Jerans birthday celebration - mixed vegetables - i remember it so clearly. the next few days a bruise appeared on the eye lid which we had a few explanations for - bumping on the camper cot, a toy, Deqlan hitting himself with his dummy om his dummy chain, where we in for a shock on the 25th of May - nothing could prepare us for that day.....but look at Deqlan now, NED , full of life and laughter, and still the light of my life, our universe. Thank You Dear Lord for the miracles you have performed in Deqlans life and in ours - we are Blessed and i cant not thank You enough Dear Lord.
Today, 25 April also marks exactly 6 months ago that the last drop (ever, please Dear Lord) of chemo rolled into Deqlans body.
I am so happy to tel you all that Cadens op was a great success and he was home the next day recovering , thankyou for your continued prayers for Caden and Wes and Elriza
I have also posted a pic from Megs of Keaton, at 13 weeks on his tummy and lifting his head ! Megs says he is full of laughter at the moment and love to talk, like mom like son......ha ha ha just joking megs!
Hope you all have a great long weekend and please spare a thought and a prayer for Deqlan and our friends and their families around the world
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Hi Sammy
The photos are lovely. Deqlan looks so chilled in the bath! A real water baby by the look and sound of things. Keaton is growing more gorgeous by the day. Please give all the little one's a big kiss and cuddle from us. Have a good week-end. Hope Deqlan's teeth don't give him too much hassle!
Love and miss you
Sam (and Don, Mia and 'Bump') xxx
I was so sad to hear news about Austin too, things are hard to understand sometimes.
Charli is teething too I think, I will happy when they are all in!! But, that means they are growing up too fast!!
Cute pictures too!! Charli doesn't lie to be on her tummy in the bathtub...so those pictures crack me up!!
take care and be well!! thinking of you always. GREAT news about six months from treatment...and one year since symptoms, or babes have come a long way!!
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