Hello All
Hope you are all well and happy and had a great weekend!
Our little soldier is finally rid of his cold and his chest totally cleared not even 1 cough for the past 2 days so he is definitely on the mend, thanks for the prayers and thoughts for him!
We had a lovely weekend - with lots of entertainment, but ill get to that in just a bit....
Saturday Dada and I got straight to work on sorting Deqlans play room out - we had started collecting a whole lot of CARS goodies for the past few months and decided it was time we said good bye to the jungle theme and got all the grown up CARS stuff out ! We think it turned out lovely and feels a lit more cosier , which we are glad about especially with winter coming up. we cant believe the amount of toys and books and dvds Deqlan has - we put some aside to give to a friends project for aids orphans and some for CHOC snug as a bug project
While we are on the topic, wanted to say thank you very very very much for the amazing response we have already had for SNUG AS A BUG - you are all amazing and continue to help us and others in their journeys of conquering cancer.
Then on Sunday, Dada went to play golf - i was alone at home lying on the bed with Deqlan when i heard the Dogs go banana's - i had to rub my eyes twice to register what i was seeing, yip folks, another snake - the same as last time, a rinkals ( looks like a cobra but white on its belly) This one was a lot faster, and bigger then the last - oh boy! Panic stations as Mark wasn't home! So Nanna come over to watch Deqlan for me while I tracked down someone to come and remove our visitor - after 20 phone class i eventually phoned a lovely lady who took 20 minutes to get to us - 'come on little ( she was wearing glasses, otherwise i think she would've saig , come on huge snakey!) snakey, no, dont spit now' she said , very calmly , standing in the grass with her barefeet! I couldnt bare to watch from downstairs and ran upstairs to safety and stood with Nana and Deqlan at the window. 1 snake out our house, but are the chances, but 2 in the space of 3 months- no ways - i really dont feel like taking on the position of crocodile hunter in our neighbourhood anymore and i think we shall be looking for a new place shortly - i am petrified for Deqlan, for Mark and I , for the dogs and cat - i dont feel safe taking Deqlan down into the garden or for walks anymore!
I then decided Deqlan and I needed a break from the stress of our garden and its creatures and went to see Great Grandpa and Nanna with Nannna. Deqlan was of course very happy as it was outside on the grass in the sunshine! Great Grandpa and Nanna where delighted to see Deqlan and hear his babbling and laughter. Deqlan was enjoying his dried mango and finished it off very quickly, but the clever little fellow, spotted great nanna hadnt had hers yet and before we knew it he had taken it off her! We where in buckets of laughter and i think it really made their day ! We are so BLESSED to have both my grandparents and Deqlans great grandparent - many do not have this gift and we really have to try and treasure it and see them as often as we can!
Deqlan is doing very well otherwise - changing every day and growing leaps and bounds.
He is definitely more vocal with a lot more sounds - the favourite one at the moment is kkkiii -for kitty! He is also saying ta and na, ga and a whole lot of other sounds i wouldnt know how to type!
He is enjoying so many things at the moment - he loves kitties, loves loves loves the, zebra's, mango, choc o break biscuits ( we have had to hide them away now as he knows exactly where to find them and wants them for breakfast, lunch and diner), he loves his new sand pit and slide, he loves driving in the car, and holding keys ( but since our little episode last week, car keys are banned!), he LOVES his bubble baths and we battle to get him out at night! , he loves climbing over and under and on top of things and us! Deqlan loves giving us hugs and kisses and love bites , he LOVES playing peek a boo! Deqlans absolute favorite at the moment is, THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT TO MARKET, played on his toes, its a guaranteed laugh and smile from him and for us ! We are Blessed with the most beautiful son i could have ever have asked for and we love him more then i could ever explain - he is the light and joy , the sunshine, the moon beams and everything in between to us! We love you and we are so proud of you our gorgeous boy!
Hope you all have a great week and please feel free to send any tips you have an keeping snakes away !!!!! ha ha ha !
Please continue to pray for our soldier to remain NED and please say special prayers for our friends fighting nb and other cancers - especially Austin, we is still in a coma at the moment.
Please say a prayer for Lane , as he was also called home to be with Our Lord - please pray for his family to receive peace and comfort during this unbelievably hard time.
God Bless and lots of love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
MARK 11:24
Shooweee Samm 2 SNAKES!! please be very careful as most snakes travel in two's!! Glad Deqlan is doing so well xxx
Hi Sam,
Just wanted to send you all the love in the world.... I told Megan we have a pray group its called "Mother's Pray and we meet once a week to pray for our own children, we put their names on a disk and place it in a basket below Our Lord's Cross. I so wish I could get a booklet to you, you could even start your own group in SA. My father in law is coming to see us at the end of May, If I sent him a few copies would you like them? I will place Deqlan's name on a disk tomorrow and we as a group will continue to Pray for his good healthy and wounderful miracle he has already received. All my love and Prayer's for you and your family.
HI Sam ,mark Deqlan and bev and family,
Praise Jesus that Deqlan is well and progressing so well.
We will continue to pray for you all and for protection against the snakes.
God Bless and love to you all
Ruth xxx
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