Thursday, February 28, 2008
Hello Everyone
Deqlan not being eating so well the last 2 days and been a bit fussier then normal - but think his back molars could be worrying him as he put everything he can possibly fit at the back of his mouth there...he had a good breakfast of toast and peanut butter this morning, maybe he is just tired of his cereal....being desperately trying to get more fruit into him, but he only does bananas in yoghurt! Nanna and I have come up with a couple of ideas and we are going to try and see if our soldier enjoys any of them - one i am very excited to try is a smoothie - with fruit and yoghurt - holding thumbs!
We took Deqlan for a speech/play therapy evaluation yesterday and i was so glad we did - what AMAZING therapists that have already given me so many ideas to stimulate our soldier. Although Deqlan is saying Mama and Baba and a lot of different sounds, he needs a bit of encouragement to start learning new words and to start 'moving' around in more directions and climbing etc. They believe that the time Deqlan was in hospital recovering from his 3 surgeries and the time spent in hospital for chemo, was the time that these elements develop. So we are going to help stimulate Deqlan more in these areas to see if we can help his speech a long a little - the therapy is more a learn through play environment, and the therapists will be teaching us techniques to continue with him at home. We are going to start off going every Tuesday for 1 hour and then we will see how Deqlan progresses from there.
The physio therapist recomended getting Deqlan climbing on a jungle gym and jumping on a trampoline - will have to get used to this idea as i cant imagine him hurting himself - but he has got to learn some time and if its going to help then lets give it a go!
Megs went for her 6 week check up yesterday and all great and she immediately got in the car and drove ! No big red alarm bells on the blood and clotting tests that were done, except to say Megs had a very bad infection and that couldve caused the problems.
Keaton went for his 6 week check up today and Dr very happy with him - his excema is still worrying him but Megs got a cortisone cream to try and help - lets hold thumbs! He now weighs 3.82kg and also seems to be quite a tall baby. He also had his hearing test again and all perfect, no more water on the ear drum.
Baby Caden also doing really well, it was his 1 week Birthday yesterday! Hang in there little one, you doing such a great job - you are already so brave and tough!
On a sad note, Charlise, the 4 year old little girl from Secunda with Neuroblastoma, has relapsed - and this time is worse then before ...she starts radiation next week. She was supposed to go back to school in March. Please, please pray an extra special prayer for this beautiful little fighter, that the radiation works - please pray for strength and guidance for her parents - they also have a tiny little baby of 3 weeks. Please Dear Lord Jesus, have mercy on Charlise and work your miracles in her.
Other NB warriors desperately needing prayers and hope are Isla, Austin, Katie & Tyler and all our other friends fighting cancer.
Prayer is the womb of Faith
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Feb is a busy month, more Happy Birthdays!
We wish you both a very very Happy Birthday and many many more!
We hope you each have a fantastic day with your loved ones, hope its extra special!
Thank you for all your support for our family and especially for our warrior Deqlan!
God Bless and lots of love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan and Logan
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Congratulations Nan and Grandpa
Congratulations Grandpa and Nan and an AMAZING achievement!
You are our inspiration , our role models and we love you more then we could ever show you!
Your love, commitment & dedicaton for each other blows me away - I can only hope and pray that we shall be so happy one day !
Thank you for being the finest parents, grand parents, great grand parents, angels and friends to us ! The Lord has Blessed our family richly with you as the roots of our family tree. I am so proud and so honored to have both my granparents and Deqlan, both his great grandparents - what an absolute gift that many people will never have the blessing of having!
We wish you many, many more years together full of love, health and happiness
May Our Lord continue to guide you, protect you and enfold you with his love
Never forget how much you are loved and treasured, you mean the world to us
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan, Logan, Derek, Bev, Conrad, Megan & Keaton & Becks
Happy Birthday Don!
A huge and very Happy Birthday to you today ! Have a unforgetable day our friend and hope you are spoilt rotten by being surrounded by Sam and Mia and baby on the way!
Thank you for being the most amazing friend to us - for always being there for us, all your love and support - you mean the world to us Don, and we miss you guys terribly!
Have a stunning day, God Bless and a huge hug and smack to you
All our Love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan and Logan
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Congratulations on your 18th Birthday! What an achievement !
We hope you have the most wonderful day and all the best in the year to come!
We hope you continue to do so well at school and continue to achieve all the goals you set your sights on!
Have a great day, God Bless
Lots of love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan & Logan
Great results
Just back from Dr De Jager and we got great results!
Blood and urine results all normal ! NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL! What wonderful words - we are overjoyed and continue to be so grateful to Our Healing Lord and all of you that continue to stand with Deqlan and pray for him.
The plan is to go back in 3 months time for blood and urine tests again.
6 months from now another ultra sound scan will be done of the area where the primary tumor started
There will be no ct scans or mibg scans unless the markers in the blood and urine tests are raised, as Dr De Jager does not want Deqlan to be exposed to more radiation and nuclear isotopes then is necessary.
Deqlan was given a thorough examination and Dr was very very pleased to see how well Deqlan looks! Dr De Jager even helped Deqlan do his hand stand in his office.
Our soldier did not enjoyed his check up -he is not used to them anymore and definitely did not want to be on his back! Once Dr was done, Super Nanna to the rescue and she got our beautiful soldier to sleep and relax! Mom, i dont tell you enough how much i appreciate you being there with us - you continue to be with us every step of the way - thank you with my all and everything from Mark, Deqlan and I - we could not walk this road with out you and your love and support , be it holding Deqlan, to carrying our bags to a shoulder to cry on to a smiling face that brightens any day - you are our rock, and you hold the torch in our family - the light that God has given us to guide us on this path - you are the best Mom & Nanna , we could ever have asked for - and I thank Our Lord for sending me my guardian angel on earth - we love you and treasure you so very much my darling Mom!
Deqlan now weighs 12,5kg hooray! He is now 87cm long , and is definitely a tall 18 month old Dr says - he is above the charts for his length at this age and weight - so i think Deqlan definitely inherited this from his Great Grandad - they say when you are 2 you can double the height to get an idea of how tall you will be as an adult ! wow - if thats true we got a tall soldier on our hands, how wonderful! Deqlans 2nd cousin, my god son, Jeran, is also very very tall and is fantastic at sports!
Its still a bit of a debate on Deqlans staging - as we where originally told Deqlan has stage 4s, but after some doctors mentioning stage4 - it seems to be Deqlan was stage 4 from the beginning - the s means he was diagnosed under 1 year of age , with spread to the bone marrow - 4 is after 1 with spread to bone and marrow - Deqlans was in bone and bone marrow, but diagnosed at 8 months - so Dr De Jager says we should take it as stage 4.
Some great news is that we should be able to socialise and be around children more as soon as Deqlans vaccinations starts in October again- we still have to keep him protected from uneccesary germs and illness as is body is not yeat 100% fit to fight against them - he will definitely need to be exposed to them in time, but we got to give his body the tools to fight them first! Cant wait - but all things good comes to those who wait - patience, we dont want to rush this and we are going into winter shortly so after that our little soldier will be ready to rock and roll!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and beings for your posts, emails, calls , messages and prayers for Deqlan and out family - we certainly have the strongest, most caring and loyal army fighting right beside us, thank you , we love and appreciate you all!
Have a lovely day, let us know how you are and please dont forget to pray for our friends fighting nb and other cancers - we need each and every single prayer, each and every single word of awareness.
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tomorows the day

Hi All
Hope you had a great weekend ! We had a lovely , but hot weekend.
Today marks exactly 9 months ago that Deqlan was diagnosed with neuroblastoma and exactly 4 months ago Deqlan had his last round of chemo - Praise Our Healing Lord!
Went to church with Nanna, Great Grandpa, Meggie and Keaton on Saturday afternoon - as you can imagine, everyone that walked past had to take a peek at little Keaton and lots of ooohhhs and aaawwws! Shame - he is getting to cute for words and so good!
On Sunday, Nanna and Grandpa hosted a lunch for Great Grandpa and Great Nans 54th wedding anniversary - which is actually on 27 Feb 2008.
We had such an unforgettable moment while eating lunch - the song SMILE played and the tears came down Great Nans face- the song is just so emotional and so true and so Great Nan started the tears - then Nanna, then Meggie...oh was such a special moment that i will treasure always! We quickly changed the tears into laughter for Great Nan and she was laughing and smiling again in no time!
What an amazing achievement that is - 54 years - i cant tell you of anyone else that i know that has been together for such a long time, that still love each other more each day. It was wonderful to have Nan out for the day and wonderful to reminisce with them about their wedding day and honeymoon - I thank Our Lord every day that I still have both my grandparents and Deqlan both his great grandparents - what an absolute honor!
It was also the first time Great Nan met Keaton - also unforgetable to see the excitement and pure love and joy in Great Nans eyes! She also loved laughing and chatting to Deqlan who was besotted with the wheels on her wheel chair! Great Nan was very impressed at how big Deqlan had grown and how well he was looking!
Well, tomorrow is the big day for our soldier - We go to Dr De Jager at 9am for the results of the blood and urine tests and along with that my list of questions! Please say an extra special prayer for our soldier tomorrow, that the results are normal and that Deqlan remains No Evidence of Disease. Shall let you know as soon as we do - feel free to add a dash of green or camo into your outfit for the day as support for our Deqlan.
Have a lovely evening, thank you for your continued support and prayers - they continue to work miracles as Our Lord continues to answer our prayers.
God Bless and lots of love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan
ISAIAH 41;10
p.s - enjoy the photos - have also added some of Logan with Tyler and Gaynor at the Vaal
p.s.s - have just added photos of Deqlan and his moustache - he touched the garage door where their must have been grease and before you knew it all over his face, and Mama!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunty Val
A very very Happy Birthday to a very very special lady!
We hope you have a fantastic Birthday today and that you are spoilt rotten by being surrounded by your family!
Thank you for being the amazing light you are - thank you for standing firm in Faith with us during Deqlans journey - thank you for guiding us, thank you for making rainy day and moments bright and full of hope - you are so special to us Aunty Val and there are not enough times I could thank you for all you hvae done and continue to do for us!
Happy Birthday and many many more
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan, Logan, Bev & Derek, Megan, Conrad & Keaton, Eddy & Yvonne
Friday, February 22, 2008
Deqlan had a great fall

Hello All
All great this side - just battling with the heat! We never happy are we? But looks like same rain brewing this afternoon so look forward to that
Our beautiful soldier was playing peek a boo with me and as he ran to find me, he fell over his feet and fell very hard on our tiled floor! It was the hardest i have heard Deqlan fall and the loudest he has cried from a fall,needless to say Dada and I got a fright and quickly checked that nothing was broken or seriously hurt on our soldiers body! Thank The Lord all was fine, except a huge bruise on Deqlans cheek - it looks a little painful and a little darker today, but it doesnt seem to worry Deqlan he continues to run around , make that sprint around and play as hard and rough as he can- thats the way we like it!
We managed to get some water wings onto Deqlan while in the jacuzzi as it is a little deep in the middle and Deqlan doesnt do still in water ! Well as you can see from the photos he wasnt to fond of them and tried to chew them off!
Dada is planning on seeing Logan this weekend, so we look forward to hearing all the new stories about school and her friends, hoping to get some new photos to, they grown way to quickly !
We are looking very very very forward to our Easter break at the end of March - we will all be going down to the Midlands in Natal for 1 week. Its going to be quite a story as this time we have two baba's to pack for - two camping cots, two prams - a ga zillion nappies, hundreds of bottles and dummies....but we cant wait to take the boys to the mountains! Normally Logs comes with us , but until Deqlans immune system is back to normal we still have to avoid contact with kids. Last year Deqlan couldnt understand the concept of hunting for Easter eggs, but this year im sure he will be in his element looking for the chocolate bunnies and eggs - i know i will be to - it will have been 40 days of no chocolate for Nanna and Mama - so i think we will gladly help Deqlan find his!!!!!
Have a great weekend , let us know how you are
Please continue to pray for Wesley, Elriza & Caden, and all of our courageous friends and their families
God Bless lots of love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Happy Birthday Vanessa!
We hope you had a fabulous 19th Birthday yesterday !
Hope you had a great day and may the year ahead bring lots of love , happiness and joy!
Hope your studies going well and thank you for continuing to pray for our soldier
God Bless and lots of love
Mark, Samm , Deqlan and Logan
Meet Caden Matthew Paul

Dear All,
Caden Matthew Paul arrived 20 February 2008 at 13h40 via caesarian section. A beautiful 1.02kg baby boy with curly dark hair. After dr. Burger had to put up a hefty fight to get our little warrior out, he was taken to the NICU where dr. de Jager, the Paediatrician took over. Caden was breathing on his own for 24 hours, with some help of an injection called Savanta (not sure about the spelling). He is such a stunning little fighter. Today however, he started to get a bit tired, which is completely understandable, so they put him on the ventilator. He was getting enough oxygen, but because his lungs are so tiny, he couldn't push out all the carbondioxide, so it started to build up. It is actually good that he's on the venitlator for a while because this will give him a chance to rest and grow a bit. He's looking very peaceful now. Thank you so much for all the prayers pouring in from all over! We are overjoyed knowing that so many people are praying for our little warrior. Like they say, if God is with us, who can be against us. We apologise if we haven't been able to take all of your calls, but please understand that sometimes our voices are just too croaky to talk. We will probably not be answering calls for the next couple of days, but thank you so much for all the sms's, e-mails and comments. We are so extremely priviledged to have such an incredible and extensive support system. Unfortunately the laptop prevents me from posting photos of Caden, but we will try to get some on the blog as soon as possible. Thanks once again for all your love and support and we will keep you updated.
Lots of Love
The very proud parents of the tiniest little warrior!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Caden Matthew Paul
Thank you for all your prayers, please continue to pray for strength for Caden to grown stronger each day and for guidance and love for Elriza and Wes and their families!
What a precious gift you have recieved Wes and Elriza, congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy , Caden! We cant wait to meet the little warrior ! May God hold him safely in his arms and protect him always! God richests Blessings and love continue to shine down upon you every day!
All our love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan and Logan
More prayers
Shall update again as soon as there is news
Thank you for your prayers
God Bless
Love Samm
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Hello Deqlans Army
The Shavathon was a huge success and it was so wonderful to do something so small to help CANSA. Their was even a beautiful jack rusell who was spray painted for the cause - hope to post pics of that soon !
All fine on this side with our soldier - he has gotten into a little bit of a habit, not wanting to sleep in the afternoons , but by the time we get home at 1730 or so , then its sleep time, before Deqlan has had supper, he is in dream land! He wakes up again round 9 for a few minutes for something to drink and then back to sleep - but the sun rises a little earlier for our soldier - round 3 or 4 !!! It takes us a while to get him back to sleep but then he does for a an hour or 2! So Dada and I are a little tired at the moment but hoping to get Deqlan back into his sleep in the afternoons!
Deqlan is still LOVING the pool ! He actually cries to go outside and doesnt even wait for us to put his swimming outfit on - he jumps in nappy and all!
He even got into the jacuzzi with Grandpa yesterday and loved the jets and bubbles - it took me a while to coax Deqlan out! He is definitely a water baby just like his sister Logan!
Its one week to go before we see Doctor De Jager again to get the results of the blood and urine tests - i have a load of questions to ask about vaccinations, our pets , the plan for the next few months etc. Please pray that these resuls continue to show Deqlan to have NO EVIDENCE Of DISEASE FOREVER AND EVER
Nanna and Grandpa also well - Nanna is a very busy lady - she is the bionic form of Mary Poppins! Now she has tWo boys to love, care for and entertain! Keaton has already had his first taste of Nanna's beautiful singing and Deqlans Bible songs which he seems to love - Keaton is growing by the day and up to 3.2 kg now and fitting into more of his newborn outfits, cant believe he is 1 month old already! We are still waiting on Meggies blood results, shall keep you posted.
Please continue to pray for Elriza and Wesley as a decision shall be made later today on babys arrival. If you want to follow their story you can clik on the link for Caden Paul on the right or go to - these are such special friends of ours and have been with Deqlan every single step of this journey not to mention their family across the country. God has such an amazing plan for you all - and He shall continue to keep you all safely wrapped in His arms and pour His love on you all.
My heart is saddened today as i read about so many of our neuroblastoma friends that have relapsed, that have gone home to Our Lord, or disease progressed or running out of options - please take a few seconds of your day to pray for these AMAZING children - for healing, for them and their families and friends and for guidance! Please please continue to spread the word and lets do whatever we can to raise funds to stop this disease - i think its time for another letter or 20 to Oprah...whos with me?
Thank you for all the prayers, love and support that continue for Deqlan - we appreciate each and every one of them - you all play such an amazing role in Deqlans army
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Monday, February 18, 2008
Prayers for Paul family
Need to ask you all to join us in praying for our very special friends, Wesley & Elriza.
They are expecting their first son in May this year, and Elriza went into labor on Saturday evening. They have been given Elriza medication to stop the contractions as she is only 27 weeks pregnant. The contractions started again today and a decision will be made tommorow as whether to continue delaying the contractions or for baby to be delivered by c section.
Please pray very hard for this special family
God Bless, sleep tight, all our love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan and Logan
Sunday, February 17, 2008
More Happy Birthdays!
Have a wonderful day today and only the best ahead in the year to come!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Shaz
I hope you have an unforgetable Birthday and that it brings you nothing but the best!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Reminder CANSA Shavethon
Deqlan is doing great! He continues to have loads of energy and is eating really well most of the time - he has learnt to distinguish the box of his favorite biscuits out of all the other boxes in Nannas cupboard.. He can now open the cupboard himself, find his beloved box of Chockits and brings to Nanna or Mama to open for him - HE LOVES THESE!
Another treat Deqlan seems to be enjoying is tissue paper! I dont know what the appeal is but we literally have to take it away and hide it so Deqlan doesnt try to eat it!
I found myself shopping for bigger clothes for our soldier as he continues to put on weight , which we are so thrilled about, and as he continues to grow taller! Deqlan is now into the 18 - 24 Months range of clothes - i cant believe how big our baby has grown!
Just a little reminder to all of you with us here in South Africa about the CANSA Shavethon tommorow - i believe that the event is taking place at 20 major shopping centres around the country. Please go ahead show your support by donating R50 to have your head shaved our spray painted and please remember to send us some pics to put on the blog - you can email to be at
Also recieved this link for the latest CURE childhood cancer video:
We wanted to share the new video that CURE Childhood Cancer produced. Wehope it will bring much needed funds and awareness to neuroblastomaresearch. Please feel free to share.
We need to do everything in our power to create awareness & to inspire funding for more research and most importantly a cure for neuroblastoma. Please continue to spread the word, donate to worthy projects and do what ever you can to promote funding to find a cure for nb.
Hope you all have a great weekend, let us know how you are and please continue to keep Deqlan in your prayers. Please also pray especially hard for Katie, Austin , Tyler and all the other warriors fighting nb and other cancers.
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Happy Birthday Theresa
Stay the very special and caring person you are and great friend to!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valetines Day
That He gA ve
his onL y
BegottE n
T hat whosoever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish,
But have E verlasting life."John 3:16
Enjoy the day and tell all your loved ones how much you love and treasure them , not only today, BUT EVERY DAY!
God Bless and lots of love and Blessings
Mark, Samm, Deqlan and Logan
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Update on Austin
We are home!
We are just back from the hospital with great,no, make that fantastic news!
The doctor cant see anything strange on the ultrasounds, all looks clear in the abodomen and pelvis area, thank You Dear Lord Jesus!
Deqlan did not like having the sonar done one little bit, even though its the easier of all the scans to have done. He just didnt like being held still , but eventually did co operate enough for the doc to get the pics she needed.
We saw alot of the familar faces from the x ray department, that have been on this journey with us since May 2007 - it was wonderful to see them and they were all so thrilled at how well Deqlan looks and how much energy he has ! They where also so encouraging saying all will be fine with todays scans, it always makes me feel better! Deqlan ran around the waiting room and even bumped a ladies water off the table and had everyone laughing
We then walked down to the oncology centre for the blood and urine test - we were a little worried at Deqlans reaction as it has been 4 months since we had any blood drawn from his port - but Deqlan was a super star, a real soldier! With his ghost pops in one hand and his Cedarmont Kids bible dvd playing and Mama and Dada standing each side, he let the sister clean the area and put the needle in with not a boo or ba! Nanna waited outside and expected to hear our soldier cry as he doesnt like this part very much, but sister opened to the door to a smiling Nanna happy that Deqlan was not stressed out ! We waited a while to collect enough urine for the vma/hma tests and off we were. So it went very very well, Deqlan you are such a soldier my boy, we are SO proud of you!
Our appointment with Dr De Jager is 26 Feb at 0900 to discuss scans , urine and blood tests and plans forward. Please continue to pray that these tests also indicate Deqlan to be totally NED forever!
We where very, very sadened today to hear that two warriors had past away in the last 2 weeks - JP, 16 years old and Koketso, our special friend who battled lymphoma, 4 years old . We are so heart sore to hear this and pray for comfort and guidance for their families. What wonderful, strong, courageous boys you are! We will never ever forget you.
Its Dr De Jagers birthday today! Happy Birthday Dr De Jager - continue working your healing abilities on our children, and continue to let God guard and light your path in helping all those you do. Thank you for all you continue to do for our Deqlan.
Thank you for all your prayers, messages, emails and calls for Deqlan - please continue to pray for Deqlan and all his friends fighting neuroblastoma and other cancers.
Have a lovely day , God Bless and thanks to you all for continuing to be there for us
All our love
Mark, Samm, Deqlan
Monday, February 11, 2008
Deqlan is 17 Months today!
Our soldier is exactly 17 months today , my how the time flies - cant believe ill be saying he is a year and a half in a few weeks time.
Deqlan continues to entertain us - he loves opening and closing the fridge, freezer, dish washer and washing machine. When i was cleaning up before leaving home this morning, i put a load of washing on to discover Deqlans hidden treasures in the washing machine - a carton of apple juice, a spagetthi spoon, a microwave cover for plates and his helicopter!
Another form of entertainment wish Deqlan Loves at the moment is changing the chanels on the tv - he stands with his little finger exactly on the chanel button, he knows exactly where it is , and presses and watches the chanels change and then runs away and comes back to look if we have changed it back to the correct chanel. Dada actually said no in a very stern voice, and Deqlan just smiled at him as he carried on changing the chanels..oh dear ..we got a very stubborn little soldier on our hands!
The nerves have started kicking in now, only a few more hours before we have seen the ultra sound scan .....i continue to place ALL my trust and faith in God - that all is going to remain totally clear and that Deqlan will continue to be NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE FOREVER AND EVER and I am already thanking God for this result tommorow. Please say an extra little prayer for our Deqlan tonight, and please also pray that he does not get to upset and flustered tomorow so we can let the doctors do what they need to do quickly so we can come home and Deqlan can start eating the food he loves again! When we go for urine tests , we avoid certain foods round 48 hours prior as this can affect the outcome of the urine tests! Lots of Deqlans favorite things - banana's, yoghurt, chocolate, vanilla are the main ones we have to avoid. It helps me at least with not eating chocolate!
Look forward to giving you all great results tommorow - thanks for all your emails and messages and above all prayers for our gorgeous Deqlan
God Bless and lots of love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Special prayers needed for Austin
Austin was admitted this evening with fevers of more than 104, neutropenia, low blood pressure. Of course we have had the code status talk. He has three antibiotics in so far a fourth is coming. His blood pressure has responded some to a saline bolus. Tom
Saturday, February 9, 2008
The Games Deqlan plays

hello All
hope you enjoying the weekend! Our little soldier is getting up to lots of mischief these days are thoroughly enjoying the new games he has created for himself!
Deqlans favourite at the moment and our most unfavourite is opening and closing the toilet - which he has been doing for a while, but now he manages to put his arm into the toilet and splash the water around! He actually took an apple juice carton this morning and threw it down the toilet! Well, guess where Mark is going now - to buy toilet seat clips that keep the toilet closed! If we Left it , i cant even imagine what else will be thrown down there!
Another favorite is space man! Anything that can fit over Deqlans head becomes his astronaut helmet!
The dogs food has also become a firm favourite - Deqlan know how to get the lid off the bucket and loves playing with the cup that we use to put the food into the bowl with - it goes missing quite often to! The dog pelets also seem very apealling to Deqlan , i have stopped him a few times trying to have a taste.
Deqlan loves opening and closing the doors , especially the doors of Nanna and Grandpas shower and this soon turns into a game of peek a boo!
That has to be Deqlans favourite - i jusy say, OK BYE BYE and Deqlan starts laughing and running away - he doesnt always give me enough time though to hide, and has figured out all my hiding spots so finds me quite quickly!
We also have a few new faces - just wish i could catch him pulling them to take a photo but he is so quick! He loves pulling his nose up and knows that we laugh at him so he doesnt it even more with a smile on his face.
Deqlan doesnt mind playing alone for a little well , but soon comes to find us and takes us by the hand, pants, skirt..whatever he can hold onto and pulls us where he wants to go!
He is making more sounds each day and at the moment he can say a, e,i,o and u - or it could just be my imagination but it sure sounds like it !
Wanted to get our little monkey swimming again today but it looked like it was going to rain so will have to think of something else to entertain our busy little chap!
Spoke to Logan last night, and she is at the Vaal again this weekend with Granny and Grandpa! I hear that a flight with Grandpa over the Vaal is on the cards, i know she is going to enjoy that - hoping to post photos!
I realised i hadnt posted photos from Bron and Kobus wedding ( they had a great time on honeymoon but missed Matt!) and of Deqlan enjoying Dada bathing the dogs - enjoy
Conrad, Meggie & Keaton all doing well, Meggies will be going for some more blood tests next week to investigate causes of her high blood pressure and post partum haemorages, please pray they all continue to do very well !
Update on Wends- the hysterectomy went very well and she had no pain and feeling great!
God Bless and lots of love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Ash Wednesday
Hope you are all well and happy and feeling on top of the world!
Happy 3 weeks BirthdayKeaton, cant believe how quickly the time is going and how big and cute you are getting!
Nanna and I and our soldier attended Mass for Ash Wednesday this morning and it was wonderful! We took Deqlan with us as we knew there would be no children this morning as they are all in school! Deqlan loved the fans in the church but wasnt happy sitting through mass, so Mama and Deqlan went walking through the garden and Deqlan loved the wet grass on his feet ! I did manage to get him to get the ash on his forehead and I did manage did get him Blessed by Monsignour so it was a very special day for Deqlan in deed.
A lot of people came up to us to ask if this was THE Deqlan they had been praying for and where so glad to eventually see his gorgeous face and to see how well he was doing! It was wonderful to feel the support and love our parish continues to pour down upon us! Thank you to you all, you are such a HUGE part in Deqlans recovery!
So, no chocolate from today for me or Nanna and so far so good! Just a little something to give up for the HUGE amount that God gave up for us , by sending His only Son to us so that we may live our lives and be forgiven for our sins.
The Childrens Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation created the following video to request people to do everything they can to request more funding to find a cure for neuroblastoma - please watch it and pass it on and continue fighting as hard as we can for our children and future children to be affected by this monster.
Have a great day
God Bless and all our love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Monday, February 4, 2008

Dada washed his new car in the sunshine and I brought out the sea shell and filled it with water and lots and lots of toys to keep our Deqlan occupied! Well he had an absolute ball and loved Dada spraying the water on his feet on legs! I really battled to get Deqlan out the water and Garden, but he had to get dry some time!
Sunday was spent cleaning up and I had every intention of getting Deqlan back into the water but it was a little chilly in the morning and that to hot later in the day! So after Dada got back from golf we decided to take Deqlan to the shops as we started to get a bit of cabin fever being inside the whole day. It was also late in the afternoon so we knew there would be no one at the shops and felt comfortable taking our little guy out for an outing!
As we arrived at the shopping centre we met Stefan, Nadia and Aidan. We went to ante natal classes together and Aidan was born on the same day as Deqlan. It is the first time Deqlan saw some one of his own age, own size and height and he immediately wanted to get down to investigate Aidan! Well, the boys where in there element!
They run around in a circle coming back to each other each time! Aidan tried to high 5 Deqlan a few times, but he hasnt quite mastered that game yet - Deqlan smiled from ear to ear and Mark and I where so very happy to have a little bit of normal and to see Deqlan having so much fun. I cant wait for him to have his vaccinations again and to start being able to be around other children - what a stunning moment this was to see Deqlan so very very happy!
We then got Deqlan in the trolley and went into Woolies to get our groceries - Mark and I both realised how grown up Deqlan was - the baby is definitely gone! But, he will always be my baby boy!
Today we got the pool out at Nanna's house and again Deqlan was in his element to say the least! We also put the sprinklers on and Deqlan was in fits of laughter - he loves watching the water move round and round and feeling the spray on his feet! Deqlan got so brave he tried to drink water from the sprayer! What a stunning morning , hope you enjoy the pics, Deqlan is definitely a water baby!
Made our ultrasound scan appointment for 8am 12 Feb- then afterwards we will go down for blood and urine tests and will see Dr De Jager round 26 Feb to discuss all the results. Please continue to pray for Deqlan to remain NED for ever and ever!
Please pray very hard for our friends fighting nb and other cancers - there are so many running out of options and we know that Our God performs miracles for his servants - please pray for cures to be found, money to be raised for more cure to be found!
Hope you have a stunning week, hope you are all well!
God Bless, Hugs and love
Mark, Samm & Deqlan
Friday, February 1, 2008
Keaton meets the family

Keaton as as good as gold and i think he enjoyed the outing to! Needless to say nearly every passer by oooeeddd and aahhhed and Keaton and nearly 20 people stopped to ask how old Keaton and all comented on how beautiful he was
Hope you all have a stunning weekend and want to leave you with a thought sent to me this morning by a very special friend, Coreen