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Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hello All

Hello Deqlans Army
Im sorry only posting now , been a long 2 days and just got a quick moment to say hello to you all, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the amazing support and prayers you continue to shower upon us - we are so humbled and blown away by the amount of support and how Blessed we are to have you all behind us

Deqlan is sleeping very comfortably tonight and is definitely on the mend - i managed to get a smile out of him while singing to a Telly Tubbies dvd - he seems more comfortable then last night.

The surgeon, amazing Prof Beale and the amazing aneathetist continue to check in on us - Prof Beale removed the naso gastric tube this morning already - what a fantastic surprise that was for us - we expected it in at least a few days. Deqlan has already has 3 x 30 mls of water and a tiny bit of apple juice , and loved the cool liquid down his throat, and has kept it all down - great news and all looking good. We shall continue with small sips during the night and hopefully we can start on milk tommorow. Overall both docs seem happy with Deqlan. He is looking great - great colour, and restful.

We have been told, that this tumor did not start from the adrenal gland as we have thought all along, it actually started from the para aorta artery to the heart , and grew towards the adrenal gland. It actually in cased this and the renal artery ( to the kidney). Prof Beale said it took longer then expected as the scans only showed the tiny little remainder of the tumor - the scans did not show the fibrous tissue and that there was more involved then what the surgeon envisaged. He said he has taken everything out that he can see, and is positive that the cells are dead and mature , but looking at its fibrous appearance - we shall continue to be patient and wait the few days its going to take for results to come back ..please continue to pray that all cells are mature and dead and destroyed totally and permanently.

Prof Beale said we definitely made the right decision in removing the tumor as he doubts the encasing round the renal artery would have disapeared by itself - this could have caused high blood pressure problems for Deqlan

Thank you Dear Lord for helping us make the right decision.

I hope to update with more tommorow , please continue to pray for our beautiful soldier that is doing so well - we are so proud of you by beautiful Boy.

I seem to be coming down with flu - feel fine, but sore throat ...have got my mask on, already seen a doc and waiting for my meds to arrive in the morning

Sleep tight all, im off for now and thank you again for your amazing support - I know Deqlan is going to thank you all some day in person!




Anonymous said...

Dearest Samm and family,
We rejoice with you that the surgery is behind you and Deqlan is doing well and on the road to recovery. God bless you all at this time - we continue to pray for you for strength, courage and comfort and Deqlan's permanent healing. Hallelujah! For making the correct decision and having the last cells removed. I wish for you a restful night and we continue to pray without ceasing for positive results in a few days.
Take care of yourselves. Much love,
Karen & the boys xx

Life As I Know It... said...

Hi There,

I could't wait to read the blog this morning, what amazing news that Deqlan is doing so well. We praise our Heavenly Father for all the miracles he is performing in little Deqlan's body.

I pray that there will be many more restful and peaceful nights for youall and that Deqlan continues to do so well.

God Bless you all in abundance.

Claire, Stephan & Hannah

Elriza Paul said...

What great news! Congrats and I hope you guys will have a peacefull night's sleep!

Wes & Elriza

Anonymous said...

Hi dear family,
I am thrilled to hear that the whole remainder of the tumor is now out of that precious body. You definately had the Lord's help in making the correct decision. I pray that he will heal quickly and that you and your family can have the most wonderful, blessed and joyous Christmas. God bless.
Wendy and kids

Anonymous said...

Dearest Samm,Mark and Baby Deqlan,

We are so glad to hear that everything went well and we continue to pray that the results will be positive and that your little soldier is completely cured!! Just keep on being positive, pray and believe that God has a plan with your VERY SPECIAL family.


Coreen & Grant

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam Mark and family praise God the surgery went well and that the results will be positive "Trust in the Lord with all your heart ,lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will nake your paths straight"
Love and prayers Ruth xxx

The Preister's said...

Glad to see this message. I hope you are feeling better soon, so you can enjoy this precious time with your babe.

Sending our love your way!

Anonymous said...

I have been keeping Deqlan lifted in prayer. So glad things went well. I will continue to pray for him and your family. Charli's Grandma from Nebraska, USA
