Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


the breathtaking view from our unit, its truly beautiful - the photos dont really do it justice!
Our gorgeous, gorgeous Deqlan Ross

the sun setting against the mountains and cosmos flowers

i actually said to my mom when we were taking these photos that i am sure this is the way God intended the entire world to look - untouched, unspoilt, just perfect
there were so many new horses at saddle and trout this time, lots of babies, to precious to see!
Deqlan Loved this picture of the bunny, reminded him of his favorite progamme Hopla!

how grown up does Deqlan look here!

Enjoying sitting on the bales of hay for the horses
the horse stables
checking Nanna's glasses out
Deqlan doing a bit of abseiling at the junction, he loved it! we were keeping a careful eye, the wall was very high!

Mom and Dee enjoying creme soda made in the midlands, we love drinking it here in gauteng cause it reminds us so much of the midlands, we can pretend we back there whilst drinking it!

Eating some fries and watching a dvd all tucked up warm next to Grandpa

Deqlan and I on the beach - i think if we could build a little house right on the beach that would be awesome, even if we lived like robinson crusoe, as long as we at the beach, our most favorite place in the world - Deqlan spent about 3 hours running up and down the beach in and out the sea - we were only 1 day in Durban, hopefully next time we can stay a whoollee lot longer at the sea
how i treasure these moments of bliss, in the sea with my boy
Deqlan LOVED the feel of the dry sand to!
We got to see Marks Dad and step mom while we were in Durban for the day, they were really taken at how well Deqlan is doing! This was such a cool place, Moyo, right on the beach, an african style restaurant, with african music to, it was so awesome, could have stayed there the entire day!
How gorgeous is this photo of Mark and Deqlan?
Cheryl, Oupa Chris and Deqlan

The World Cup soccer stadium from the beach - i think this is the most spectacular out of all our stadiums - mark will be going to watch the brazil vs portugal game here - can you imagine how awesome thats going to be!
my beautiful, beautiful Gambit

Gambit, how majestic and beautiful he continues to be

Deqlan was an absolute star watching the dolphin show - it was the first time he ever sat through the entire show!!! the previous 3 times were very overwhelming for him - i was so thrilled!
part of the show , tells the story of Shaka - well, Deqlan thought this was the best thing ever and kept on saying "shaka' and laughing and getting so excited each time his picture came up! He continued saying Shaka for many days after

One of my most favorite places in the world is ushaka watching my dolphins, and to be there with Deqlan on my lap enjoying them as much as i do, couldnt help have tears of joy and gratefulness

my amazing mom sat infront of us so she could capture deqlans face - thanks mom you did an awesome job - i love this photo!

Deqlan LOVED this display -a spinning wheel, full of colours and creatures of the sea- if we could have taken it home , we wouldve!
Deqlan LOVED this giant size mumble!

Wow! Imagine having this in your lounge at home?

what a joy to watch Deqlan having such a great time - you shouldve seen the size of the great white sharks behind him, massive but stunningly beautiful
Nanna and Grandpa enjoying the fish!

a magnificent sting ray - deqlan also started saying MANTA RAY - he loves them to!

This turtle was massive!

I think we should move into this aquarium - the peace and happiness and beauty is just breathtaking

Deqlan and Dada saying the colours of all the fish

Deqlan loved the Nemo display - for the first time ever he paid attention to each window he stopped at instead of just running around , he was interested in the fish and other creatures!
Our view on a beautiful morning in the midlands
We went for lunch at Lords of the Manor, the hotel we had my 30th at - such a special place in all our hearts and Deqlan was such a superstar sitting at the table! Its so nice to go back there, they always remember us - Deqlan even ran to the room where Mom and Dee stayed for my 30th! He remembered exactly where it was!

Dada and Deqlan

Deqlan seems to love The Lords of the Manor as much as I do!

Grandpa and Deqlan waiting to be called to our table
1,2,3, cheese! Deqlan still loves me taking self portraits of us!
Whose this guy Mama?

Its a fine day for a guiness with Dada! Juice for you my boy!

Lovely photo of Mom and Dee

Deqlan and his Nanna
we couldnt get Deqlan out this puddle of mud, he loved the squishy mud in his toes, fingers, hair, everywhere! I love it when he gets so dirty!

peek a boo!

should i , shouldnt i???

Deqlan singing for us ' THE PENGUIN BOP"


Walking around the lake


3, 2,1, BLASTOFF!



Deqlan loved the gate at the main entrance and we spent a good half an hour here, opening and closing !
My boys ( staight after i took this pic, Deqlan through his juice bottle into the lake, it took Mark a good 20 minutes to get it out!!)


Adrian said...

Beautiful pictures!!! No wonder people say Picture tells a thousand words... Can't believe Deqlan looks so grown up. Glad you guys had a great vacation.

heidi said...

Hi Guys,
What beautiful photo's! Looks like you guys had an amazing time. Deqlan is getting so big and handsome!
Lots of love

Elriza Paul said...

Stunning pics! Deqlan is growing sooooooo beautifully! Glad you guys enjoyed your holiday!

Debbie said...

Glad you guys had a good time.....really nice pics....i love the one of him and mark sitting by the lake!!!!

cant wait to take jayden and Hannah to Ushaka ...they were to small to enjoy it when we lived there, now they will love it!!! My mom still has her house in Scottbrough so i cant wait to go down and play on the beach again!!!!

Big hug and keep well!!!! Enjoy the winter we having a great SPRING!!!

Debbie said...

Awesomely splendid pics as always Samm!Deqlan is so brave to go to all these wonderful and interesting places, it shows how much good all you are doing for him, and its really showing.
Thanks for sharing your trip pics with all of us!
Love always,
